Page 19 - Banking Finance September 2023
P. 19






          FOR BANKS

                       ith the growing of economy and fast paced  Banks have now opened up to the possibility that going
          W            undergone many changes. As the financial  revenue and profitability growth for the banks and are keen
                                                              forward startups would constitute a significant source of
                       developments  the  banking  sector  has
                       activity gained pace and the market opened
                                                              to seize this opportunity. Earlier the possibility of 9 out of
          for competition, the innovation in the financial sector has  10 startups  failing made the banks  weary of advancing
          increased and so have the revenue and profitability avenues  finance to them. However considering their potential and
          for the banks and financial institutions. The 21st century has  the risks involved banks have now opened up avenues of
          been the century of startups. With  an unconventional  financing to them.
          approach to problem solving, an unrelenting zeal to succeed
          and an open approach to new ideas, startups have truly  It's not that startups have just touched one or two segments
          disrupted the business landscape. India has had umpteen  of the industry,  they have instead ventured in all those
          startups in the last few years of whom some have been able  spheres that had the scope of making things better and
          to make their mark while the others could not, which in way  improving the processes.
          is understandable as it is in the nature of startups who
          follow a high risk high return approach.
                                                              The role and support of Banking Sector:
                                                              On 6th January, 2016, 'Startup India' initiative was launched
                                                              by the Government of India to cater to the needs of the
                                                              budding start-up eco system in the country. In view of the
                                                              country's young manpower and with an aim to promote
                                                              employment opportunities, it has been a commendable step
                                                              in the right direction. The entrepreneurs in  India have
                                                              received funding from various private institutional and non-

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