Page 23 - Banking Finance September 2023
P. 23



         CAN MAKE




          Rise of Mobile Banking                              the primary reasons for the development of modern banking
                                                              in India. Owing to technology-based innovation, banks across
          As an alternative channel, the mobile phone is playing a
                                                              sectors have made a move beyond conventional banking and
          significant  role  in  the  remote  interaction  between
                                                              have innovated with digital products integrated with any-
          consumers and financial institutions. In India, the increased
                                                              time and anywhere accessibility features.
          penetration of mobile banking is also coupled with the ever-
          increasing competition between private and public sector
                                                              India presently has 600 million plus smartphone users, and
          banks promoting a gamut of digital banking products,
                                                              as more basic phone users are migrating to smartphones
          aggressively. The reason is, apart from a functional mobile
                                                              number is expected to grow. Even though 5G smartphones
          app, consumers are demanding a multifunctional financial
                                                              have been making news in the market, they accounted for
          tool that is convenient to manage financial decisions.
                                                              just one-third of the market in 2022. As per counterpoint
                                                              Research many consumers would like to upgrade to 5G
          As per the report jointly released by Deloitte and CII, titled
                                                              network  from  their  existing  4G  network.  Increased
          "Banking  on  the  Future  -  VISION  2020",  concerning
                                                              penetration of mobile phones can help banks in their
          "technology-based banking", the electronic fund transfer
                                                              financial inclusion plans. Digital channels will not only help
          system and the limitless ability of information technology are
                                                              banks in retaining existing customers but also in attracting
                                                              new generation tech savvy customers.
                              About the author
                                                              Mobile Banking- Types and facilities
                       Abhishek Singh
                       Manager  (Research),                   available
                       State Bank Staff College,
                                                              Almost all banks in India and across the world have adopted
                       Begumpet,  Hyderabad
                                                              the  mobile  banking  approach  to  reach  and  engage
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