Page 5 - Banking Finance September 2023
P. 5




          Karnataka Bank net profit         said that Regional Rural Banks (RRBs)  growth (vis-a-vis the July 1, 2022 out-
                                            should continue their focus on the flag-  standing) to Rs. 95,347 crore, per RBI
          zooms 225%
                                            ship schemes of the Central Govern-  data on sectoral deployment of bank
          Karnataka Bank's net profit rose by
                                            ment  such  as  PMJJBY,  PMSBY,  PM  credit.
          224.66 per cent Year on Year (YoY) to
                                            SVANidhi, Atal Pension Yojana, PM Jan
                                                                               As on July 1, 2022, growth of the afore-
          Rs 370.7 crore in the quarter ended
                                            Dhan Yojana, PM Mudra Yojana, KCC,
                                                                               mentioned portfolio was muted at 1.4
          June 2023 (Q1Fy24) on improvement in
                                            KCC Animal Husbandry & Fisheries, and
                                                                               per cent (vis-a-vis the July 2, 2021 out-
          net interest Margin (NIM) and non-in-
                                            aim for their saturation.
                                                                               standing) to Rs.75,659 crore.
          terest income.
                                            Chairing a review meeting with chair-
          Its net interest income expanded by
                                            persons and senior officials of Regional
          18.5 per cent in the reporting quarter                               M&M gets 3.53% in RBL
                                            Rural Banks from Southern Region in
          to Rs 814.68 crore from Rs 687.56
                                            Chennai, Sitharaman said  that RRBs Bank
          crore in Q1Fy23. Its NIMs improved by
                                            and Sponsor Banks should improve their  Mahindra  & Mahindra Limited has
          35 basis points to 3.68 per cent in
                                            Current and Savings Account (CASA)  picked up 3.53 per cent stake in RBL
          Q1Fy24 from 3.33 per cent a year ago,
                                            Ratio.                             Bank as an investment at a cost of Rs.
          the bank said in a statement. Its stock
                                                                               417 crore, the company informed the
          closed 5.9 per cent higher at Rs 215.7  Sitharaman also highlighted the CD
          per share on BSE.                 Ratio, Gross NPAs, and Provision Cov-
                                            erage Ratio (PCR) of RRBs.         "We may consider further investment
          The other income more than doubled
                                                                               subject to pricing, regulatory approv-
          to Rs 323.84 crore in Q1Fy24 from Rs
                                            Banks' gold jewellery loan         als and required procedures.
          132.79 crore in Q1Fy23.
          The deposits grew by 7.92 per cent to top Rs.1 lakh crore mark
          YoY to   Rs  86,959.86  crore and its                                Rs. 48,461 crore unclaimed
          advances grew at 5.36 per cent YoY at
                                            Banks' loans against gold jewellery  deposits transferred
          Rs 61,489.41 crore at the end of June
                                            (LAGJ) portfolio could cross the Rs.  As of March 31, 2023, the banks had
                                            1lakh  crore  mark  in  the  next  few  transferred unclaimed deposits of Rs
          Finance minister Sitharaman       months, going by the strong year-on-  48,461.44 crore from 16,79,32,112
                                            year (y-o-y) growth recorded by them  accounts to the Depositor Education &
          asks RRBs to focus on flag-
                                            as at June-end 2023.               Awareness Fund,  Parliament was in-
          ship schemes                      As on June 30, 2023, banks' LAGJ port-  formed.
          Finance minister Nirmala Sitharaman  folio recorded a robust 26 per cent  In a written reply in Rajya Sabha, Min-
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