Page 9 - Banking Finance September 2023
P. 9




          Farmers got 15.23 lakh agri       (2040 per cent),  reduction in labour  Despite launching 14 production-linked
                                            (2030 per cent), improvement in ger-  incentive schemes, India attracted
          machinery under Central
                                            mination rate (725 per cent), increase  $70.97 billion FDI in FY23, down from
          scheme since 2014-15              in cropping intensity (520 per cent),  84.8 billion in FY22.
                                            and increase in crop yield (1323 per
          The Centre has provided 15.23  lakh                                  The share of the 10 major countries in
                                            cent)," he said.
          agricultural machinery and equipment                                 inward remittances to India, based on
          to farmers under the Centrally spon-                                 a  survey conducted by the Reserve
          sored scheme "SubMission on Agricul- Remittances to India by         Bank of India for 2020-21, showed that
          tural Mechanisation" (SMAM), accord-                                 the USA was the top source with a
                                            NRIs grew 26% to $112.5
          ing to Narendra Singh Tomar,  Union                                  share of 23.4% in total remittances. It
          Agriculture and Farmers' Welfare Min- billion in FY23                was followed  by UAE with 18%, UK
          ister.                            Remittances to  the country by non-  (6.8%), Singapore (5.7%) and Saudi
                                                                               Arabia (5.1%).
          Under the scheme, 15,23,650 agricul-  resident Indians rose 26% on year to
                                            about $112.5 billion in FY23, under-
          tural machinery and equipment have                                   Private remittances are a major boost
          been provided to the farmers.     scoring the surge in demand for Indian  to India's current account, even as the
                                            professionals  globally after the pan-  country's merchandise trade often re-
          He said 43,954 custom hiring centres/
                                            demic.                             sults in a deficit.
          hitech hubs/farm machinery banks
          have been established.            Remittances to India were $89.1 billion
                                            in FY22. India continues to be the top Rs. 1.1lakh crore GST dent
          Stating that agricultural mechanisation
                                            recipient of remittances  globally for
          and crop productivity have a direct                                  from invoice fraud
                                            the last several years.
          correlation,  he  said  agricultural                                 The government has registered over
          mechanisation saves time and labour,  The latest data from the finance min-  26,250 cases  of GST invoice  fraud
          increases utilisation efficiencies of vari-  istry indicates that the trend of sus-  across the country, with the estimated
          ous  costly inputs,  reduces  drudgery,  tained and fast-paced increase in "per-  amount  detected  pegged  at  Rs.
          reduces postharvest losses, and boosts  sonal transfers" to India,  which was  1,15,457 crore between 2018-19 and
          crop output and farm income.      interrupted during FY21 due to the  2022-23, the finance ministry informed
                                            pandemic, has not only resumed but  the Lok Sabha.
          "It has been found that agricultural
                                            also been buttressed.
          mechanisation in India leads to saving                               Responding to a question, junior min-
          in seed (1520 per cent), saving in fer-  The surge in remittances is at a time  ister for finance Pankaj Chaudhary said
          tilizer (1520 per cent), saving in time  when FDI flows across national borders  that so  far, 1239persons have been
          (2030 per cent), reduction in weed  seem to have slowed.             arrested and  the  realisation  from

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