Page 42 - Insurance Times February 2024
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cancer cases, they can definitely play a  major role in  a framework to enforce the minimum business requirement
         providing financial backup and helping people get access to  of such products.
         quality treatment after a cancer diagnosis.
         Though there are a few cancer-specific Insurance plans  1  The Indian Journal of Medical Research, 156(4-5), 598-
         available by life, health, and non-life Insurance companies  607. Sathishkumar, K., Chaturvedi, M., Das, P., Stephen,
         in India, unfortunately, due to lack of awareness, these plans  S., & Mathur, P. (2022). Cancer incidence estimates for
         are not very popular in the Indian market. Considering the  2022 & projection for 2025: Result from National Cancer
         financial toxicity involved in cancer treatment and the  Registry Programme, India.
         limitations of the basic hospitalization product to provide  ijmr.ijmr_1821_22 Visited 10.09.2023
         complete coverage, the insurance industry needs to focus  2  The Indian Journal of Medical Research, 156(4-5), 598-
         more on such disease-specific variants.                 607. Sathishkumar, K., Chaturvedi, M., Das, P., Stephen,
                                                                 S., & Mathur, P. (2022). Cancer incidence estimates for
         Developing, promoting, and creating awareness about     2022 & projection for 2025: Result from National Cancer
         cancer-specific policies providing comprehensive coverage  Registry Programme, India.
                                                                 ijmr.ijmr_1821_22. Visited 10.09.2023
         including  treatment  in other lines of therapy besides
         allopathic for coverage in India and abroad would be a  3
         substantial  stride  by  the  Insurance  industry  towards  India/289/article#:~:text=The%20minimum%20price,
         providing access to cancer treatment and care.          INR%20Rs.27%2C50%2C000 visited 20.09.2023
         Insurance  Regulator  should  encourage  not  only  the  drugs-market-103431 visited 21.09.2023
         development of such innovative products but also develop  5  IRDA report 2021-2022

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