Page 45 - Insurance Times February 2024
P. 45


                                New Product Launches

          SBI Life Insurance launches two new                    Maturity Benefit: Upon maturity, policyholders are
                                                                 entitled to receive 100% of the total premiums (total
          Term Plans with Return of Premiums                     of all the premiums received, excluding any extra
          SBI Life Insurance, one of most trusted private life insurers  premium, any rider premiums and taxes) paid during
          in the country, recently launched two products- 'SBI Life -  the policy's duration.
          Saral Swadhan Supreme' and 'SBI Life - Smart Swadhan
                                                                 Sum assured: Both these policies offer a minimum sum
          Supreme', that not only provides a life cover but also benefit
                                                                 assured of Rs. 25 lakhs, however, while SBI Life - Saral
          of return of premiums at maturity, to fulfil customer's  Swadhan Supreme is capped at Rs. 50 lakhs, SBI Life -
          financial objectives. The new products are designed to
                                                                 Smart Swadhan Supreme has no upper limit for the
          empower customers by catering to the growing awareness
                                                                 maximum sum assured
          of the essential link between insurance and financial well-
          being.  These  plans  offer  a  lumpsum  benefit  on  the  Tax Benefits: As per the prevailing norms under the
          policyholder's demise during the policy term and also pays  Income Tax Act, 1961.
          back the total premiums paid in case the life assured survives
          the policy term.                                    LIC launches non-participating product
                                                              Jeevan Dhara-II
          'SBI Life - Saral Swadhan Supreme' and 'SBI Life - Smart
                                                              LIC announced the launch of the non-participating product
          Swadhan  Supreme'  have  been  crafted  to  empower
                                                              Jeevan Dhara-II.
          individuals  to  safeguard  their  loved  ones  from  life
          uncertainties while simultaneously building a robust financial  According to the exchange filing, the product, which will be
          safety net. The new products cater to the evolving needs of  available from 22 January 2023, is a non-linked, non-
          consumers, providing the flexibility to choose premium  participating, individual savings deferred annuity plan.
          payment  terms,  policy  duration,  premium  payment
          frequency  etc.  With  a  customer-centric  approach,  In November, LIC had launched a new non-linked, non-
          affordable premiums, and streamlined processes, SBI Life  participating individual savings whole life insurance product
          continues to remain steadfast in its efforts to increase  - Jeevan Utsav.
          insurance awareness and penetration in the country.
                                                              The minimum entry age for the product is 20 years. The
          Unique  Features of  'SBI  Life -  Saral  Swadhan   annuity is guaranteed from inception, offering 11 annuity
                                                              options to the policyholders, and they have the flexibility to
          Supreme' and 'SBI Life - Smart Swadhan Supreme':
                                                              choose between regular and single premiums.
             Premium Flexibility: Policyholders can opt for regular
             premium payments or choose a  limited  premium   It offers a higher annuity rate at higher ages and life cover
             payment term of 7, 10, or 15 years.              is available during the deferment period. The available

             Policy Term: A flexible policy term ranging from 10 to  deferment period is from 5 years to 15 years in the case of
             30 years, offering tailored solutions to meet diverse  regular premium and from 1 year to 15 years for single
             financial goals.                                 premium.

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