Page 23 - Insurance Times September 2021
P. 23
Sometimes, mining can be a catastrophe. The roofs or the surface of the in the fatality rates in the mining
mine can collapse due to extreme pressure which can strike miners working industry.
or can make the rocks and debris unstable.
Y Electrical Hazards: Many equipment that are used in the mining process Management of Risks and
works on electricity and are interconnected. Any shock or fire can result in Hazards:
tremendous amount of loss to the corporation. Sometimes, the mineral
The mining industry possess different
extracted can also conduct electricity which would pose additional risk in
safety challenges on the field of
the sector.
security. Mine safety is achieved
Y Noise: Loud equipment that are used near the mines in confined places can through properly analysing the tools
cause serious damage to hearing capacity or even permanent loss of and techniques in the field of security,
hearing. Machines like roof bolters, bulldozers, front end loaders etc. using risk matrix and knowledge of the
Y Gases and Vapours: Common names and health effects of gases occurring particular area. Safety is an essential
in coal mines are listed in the table below: part of any industry, particularly in the
hazardous environment with a history
Gas Common Name Health effects of great potential to damage the
infrastructure and affect life. Hence,
Methane (CH4) Fire damp Flammable, explosive;
safety comes hand in hand in these
simple asphyxiation
treacherous environment.
Carbon Monoxide White damp Chemical asphyxiation
As the mining goes deep and wide, the
Hydrogen Sulphide Stink damp Eye, Nose, Throat companies become larger in their
(H2S) irritation; Acute operations that include increase in the
respiratory depression number of workers, instruments and
Oxygen Deficiency Black damp Anoxia economic value; thus the responsibility
Blasting by-products After damp Respiratory irritants of providing these resources safety
becomes primary for the company. This
Diesel engine exhaust After damp Respiratory irritants;
challenge has to be met with proper
lung cancer
guidance and safety gears to ensure
Table 1: Gases and Its Health Effects the security of life and property during
the process.
Sometimes, the risk cannot be seen and measured in the terms of lives lost or
the infrastructural damage. These can come as a shock or after effects of mining. For many years now, the Government
For Example- Psychological, Biological, Physical injury etc. which develops over is also putting stress on the safety of
time and cannot be easily diagnosed. workers in such sectors. It is trying to
develop better understanding of
In all, India has recorded 377 death in the last 3 years, as per data tabled in the Occupational safety and health needs
Lok Sabha in 2019. Also, India is now heading towards sea bed mining for of the mining sector to minimize or
extracting seabed minerals and gases. prevent accidents.
Nevertheless, mining does not have to be always unsafe. With the introduction We will now look at the risk matrix
of proper management techniques and advancement in technology the risks which is very essential for the planning
and hazards can be mitigated and with proper protocol in place we can see drop process:
The Insurance Times, September 2021 23