Page 27 - Insurance Times September 2021
P. 27

Y   Entry no. 54 in the List I (Central List), the Constitution  globe. India is famous for her agreement with China known
             of India gives the Central government the authority to  as "Panchsheel". Similar, trends were started after the world
             regulate the minerals within the exclusive economic  wars that made many countries suffer a lot and its
             zone of India (EEZ). In the backdrop of it, the Mines and  repercussions still haunt us. However, these agreements
             Minerals (Development and Regulation) (MMDR) Act  cannot always guarantee us peace and stability in the
             of 1957 was framed.                              region. We are familiar with the Sino-Indian War of 1962,
         Y   International Seabed Authority (ISA) regulates minerals  the Panchsheel agreement did not bear fruit even after
             exploration and extraction. UN guides the treaty and  years of signing the agreement. The negotiations from the
             India being a party to it has received an exclusive right  third party made the situation stable.
             to explore poly-metallic nodules over 75000 sq. km in
             Central Indian Ocean Basin.                      So, if any bilateral ties cannot stand its terms then we are
         Y   The MMDR Act of 2015 has made auctions transparent  having a serious issue with the geopolitics. Also, the
             and removed discretions.                         interconnected trends are kind of transforming the overall
                                                              geopolitical nature around the world; there are also vacuum
         Y   The District Mineral Foundation (DMF) - to address long-  created the fragile and failing states. The nature of
             time grievances of affected people by mining and help
                                                              geopolitical instability has itself change. No one could have
                                                              thought of refugee crisis or ISIS coming up just six years ago.
         Y   National Mineral Exploration Trust (NMET) - Stringent  It becomes natural that we expect such trends are going to
             measures to check illegal mining and fill the gaps in the  affect the economic sector of few countries and can shake
             exploration process in the country.              others around the world.

         Y   National Mineral Policy 2019 - encouraging private
             sector to take up exploration with revenue sharing  India is growing very fast and its economy cannot just stay
             model.                                           in isolation. It has to develop new ties with the countries
                                                              that are on equal footing. India should not be seen as just
         Government of India's Initiative:                    an economic partner but as a geopolitical partner as well.
         Y   National mineral Exploration Policy has been prepared  India, today, cannot be ignored on this front as it has left
             to attract private sector into mining.           behind the non-aligned movement and it heading towards
                                                              policies that are of national interests with allies like USA and
         Y   Star Ration of mining leases for sustainable development
         Y   A Memorandum of Understanding was signed between  However, relations are not always positive in nature. Some
             Indian Bureau of Mines and National Remote Sensing  are just very hard to negotiate. Our deep strategic and
             Centre, ISRO to monitor mining activities and deter  competitive relations with our neighbour, China, are not just
             illegal mining.                                  limited to trade and commerce but extends to bitter border
         Y   The Mineral Surveillance System has also been laughed  relations along the North-East states. It is a relation of both
             to check illegal mining through automated remote  economic cooperation and strategic competition.
             sensing technology.
         Y   The District Mineral Foundation Fund was created to  After we had a Doklam stand-off in 2017, the relation
             help the people affected from mining in areas under  between India and China got strained a bit and since then
             Pradhan Mantri Khanij Kshetra Kalyan Yojana      the competition got wilder. China is trying to make its
             (PMKKKY).                                        presence all around the Indian Ocean. In 2018, China started
                                                              mining operations on its side of the border with Arunachal
         Y   100% FDI allowed through automatic route for
                                                              Pradesh, where huge deposits of Gold, Silver and other
             exploration and mining of Metals and Non-metals ores.
                                                              minerals are found. Because China also claims Arunachal
                                                              Pradesh as a part of Tibet, the security around the border is
         Geopolitical Pillar:                                 under fragile conditions. China's presence in the disputed

         It is a strategic analysis, especially of international relations  region of Jammu and Kashmir is also bothering us a lot. These
         that are influenced by dialogues, agreements, treaties or  tensions can really affect the economic strata of the nation.
         geological factors in favour of maintaining peace around the  Mining being a capital intensive sector is always under threat.

                                                                     The Insurance Times, September 2021 27
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