Page 329 - Motor Insurance Ebook IC 72
P. 329

Guide for Motor Insurance

       Premium quantum distribution across all classes of
       vehicles and the nature and extent of the additional
       coverage of various risks.

Q. 4.  What is the claims data set? Why it is required
       in Claims Input? Define separately OD and TP
       paid claim Set.
       The claims data requirement sets out to capture a
       detailed picture of t h types, nature and quantum of
       claim paid separately for OD and TP.

       Od Paid Claim Set:
       1. Name of insurer and the underwriting office

       2. Policy year and number
       3. If endorsement, its number

       4. RTA location and code

       5. Policy code-type of policy e.g. Liability or Package

       6. Class code-the class of vehicle e g Commercial
           vehicle auto rickshaw

       7. TAC Make code-allotted by the TAC for most by
           vehicle make and models e g Maruti Omni code is

       8. Insurer make code-code allotted by individual
           companies, if any

       9. Zone code

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