Page 359 - Motor Insurance Ebook IC 72
P. 359

Guide for Motor Insurance

      If the policy is for named persons, the premium
      mentioned above should be charged for each person. If
      the policy is desired for unnamed persons the cover
      should be taken -
      i) in case of private car or taxi for the number of

          persons the vehicle is authorized to carry (including
          the driver);

      ii) in case of motor cycle/ scooter without side car for
          minimum two persons the vehicle is authorized to

Q 9.  Write short notes on: a) Endorsement No. 71 -
Ans.  Personal Accident Cover for Drivers (other than
      paid driver) b) Policies issued to cover foreign
      made vehicles of Embassies, High Commissions
      or Consulates in India c ) Vehicles specially
      designed for use of handicapped persons d) Motor
      Vehicles solely within the insured's premises.
      a) Endorsement No. 71 - Personal Accident Cover

          for Drivers (other than paid driver) - Endorsement
          No. 71 provides for Personal Accident Cover
          for Drivers against death or bodily injury in a
          motor accident for Capital Sum Insured of Rs.
          20,000/. This benefit is included as extension to
          standard cover without charging any additional

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