Page 8 - Motor Insurance Ebook IC 72
P. 8

The Insurance Times

         insurance. Repeal and replacement of M. V. Act, 1939
         by M. V. Act, 1988 in the line of Road Traffic Act, 1988
         of UK is its simplest example.

Origin : Research shows for the first time in India Motor
Vehicle Act, 1914 (Act VII of 1914), was introduced
with 18 sections to regulate the use of motor vehicles
on public place. However, due to the outbreak of 1st
world war followed by great depression world over, the
Act could not be implemented effectively thought out

In the year, 1933, British Government in India, appointed
a Committee known as "Wedge Wood Committee", and
based on their report Motor Vehicles Act, 1939 was
enacted that came into force from 01/07/1939. However,
the above Act was extended to various parts of India
on various dates.

In fact, the main intention behind this enactment was
neither social nor political. It was based purely on
economic consideration.

Because, increase of motor vehicles in India gave a
stiff competition and posed threat to the survival of the
British owned railway companies, and the government
want to regulate the motor vehicles to safeguard the

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