Page 23 - Insurance Times April 2021
P. 23

X Further in Australia, the dependence on aged coal-    banking system is carrying, which has originated
                 fired power stations places Australia's energy      from the infrastructure. Recently, many project
                 security at risk.                                   contractors had placed unrealistic low bids to win
                                                                     projects many of which had run into financial
             X Large investments are expected in upgrading
                                                                     problems; those projects came to a standstill
                 generation and transmission facilities, which would
                                                                     causing losses to banks with risk exposures.
                 to be a strong driver for the growth of the surety
                 market here.                                    X In India, SREI CBL Guarantees is joint venture
             X Recently there is interest in issuing bonds to cover  recently established between SREI Group of India
                 the mining industry.                                and CBL Corporation of New Zealand who will
                                                                     provide such type of surety bonds. (Janardan Gadi,
             X Example: In 2018, big insurance companies             2019).
                 provided Australian governments with financial
                 guarantees related to the rehabilitation of     X CBL's strong record of accomplishment and
                 coalmines. Peabody Energy ran such rehab            experience in bonds, sureties and guarantees
                 activities.                                         coupled with Srei Group's expertise and local
                                                                     market expertise would create tremendous value
             India                                                   for infrastructure related projects in India backed
             X The National Highways Authority of India (NHAI)       by surety bond issuance.
                 has proposed insurance cover for road projects, in
                 a step that could help bring in credible project  ROLE of Reinsurers in Surety Bond:
                 developers and mitigate construction period risks.
                                                              Reinsurance support for surety bond remains very cheap by
                 NHAI has proposed to the Insurance Regulatory and
                 Development Authority of India (IRDAI) to come up  historical standards in the current time period. The Surety
                 with an instrument to provide surety coverage; the  Bond industry performance has made it an attractive option
                 background is that banks are facing difficulties in  for reinsurers. This factor has helped surety providers to
                 furnishing bank guarantees in India. The ministry is  purchase increased levels of reinsurance covers at improved
                 working on this new instrument. The ministry in  and more favorable terms than previous years. With surety
                 India wants the performance obligation of    losses being large especially due to insolvencies of
                 concessionaires in road projects covered by  construction companies, reinsurance provides the vital
                 insurance. (NHAI moves IRDA proposing insurance  support to stabilize the surety provider's financials and
                                                              encourages underwriters to take more risks.
                 of road projects, 2020).
             X While we expect IRDAI to open this line of business,  Observing the reinsurance support for surety bond business,
                 surety bonds would be a huge business avenue for
                                                              the lead capability has been generally from U.S. domiciled
                 Indian insurers; this will ally the fear of private  providers of reinsurance. Besides large Europe based
                 investors who are wary of the construction risks.
                                                              reinsurers, followed by Bermudian domiciled reinsurance
             X Drivers for Surety Bonds Growth in India: The  companies are active in providing reinsurance. Further, the
                 recent economic survey released in January 2018  Lloyds of London has shown growing interest in U.S. surety
                 indicates that India will require US $4.5 trillion until  reinsurance over recent years and enabled this business.
                 2040 to finance the infrastructure sector. This  Reinsurers from Asian markets are limited, waiting to
                 investment will be needed to develop fresh   understand the business before entering this huge market.
                 infrastructure as well as renovate existing ones
                 across roads, railways, shipping, power, oil and gas,  The kinds of treaties provided for this class of business are
                 housing, renewable energy, urban infrastructure  primarily:
                 and urban transport. The capacity of any
                                                                 Pro Rata - Issued commonly on per bond bases.
                 contractor to produce a surety bond is an
                                                                 Excess of Loss (XOL) - Issued for losses computed per
                 attestation of his capability to execute the project
                 and enhances his project opportunities. (Vikash
                 Khandelwal, 2018).                              Combined Program - Pro Rata & XOL aspects.
             X Surety Bonds in India would be a panacea to a     Facultative: Not common though there is concept of Co-
                 sizable chunk of non-performing assets that the  surety / Share Accounts.

                                                                           The Insurance Times, April 2021 23
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