Page 17 - Insurance Times August 2021
P. 17

market, the proportion of consumers  Those that have gone even further by  reveals that cybersecurity was thrust
         seeking out comparison services was  gamifying or innovating cover will be  into the spotlight in 2020 as the
         much higher at 31.6%. GlobalData's  the ones to further benefit."     COVID-19 pandemic forced businesses
         2020 survey also found that financial  These include fully digital insurtech  to digitize their processes and adopt
         savings are increasingly becoming a key  DeadHappy, which offers pay-as-you-  remote working practices overnight.
         priority for term assurance customers,  go term assurance. Its application pro-  The pandemic also presented an oppor-
         with 69.1% of consumers that would  cess invites customers to create a  tunity for cybercriminals to exploit glo-
         consider wearing an activity tracker  'deathwish' - something that makes  bal panic, with a surge in cyberattacks
         and exchanging that data with a life  the process more light-hearted and  occurring in 2020. This has made the
         insurance company only doing so for  engages with a younger audience who  need for cyber insurance apparent to
         financial rewards, up by 18.6 percent-  do not normally think about death. In  businesses, but the market is not as
         age points (pp) compared to 2019.  addition, fully digital insurtech Bequest  easy to navigate as it once was.
         Jazmin Chong, Insurance Analyst at  launched a pay-as-you-go term assur-  Ben Carey-Evans, Insurance Analyst at
         GlobalData, comments: "These find-  ance policy in July 2021, providing in-  GlobalData, comments: "The cyber
         ings illustrate how consumers are be-  stant cover that targets parents and  insurance market has seen rapid ex-
         coming increasingly self-reliant and fi-  families. Bequest has rapidly captured  pansion in recent years, with custom-
         nancially conscious, especially when it  venture capital investment interest,  ers enjoying high coverage limits, flat
         comes to term insurance policies - a  securing £1.7m in seed funding upon  rates, and abundant capacity as insur-
         market that is heavily tied to the mort-  launching its new product.  ers sought to capture business in a
         gage market. Despite this, non-mort-  Chong adds: "If insurtechs are able to  highly competitive market. Despite
         gage-related was the only term assur-  successfully streamline their protec-  lower cover limits and increasing pre-
         ance product to record an increase, up  tion onboarding - delivering a smooth  miums, we expect the cyber insurance
         2.2% in terms of new contracts sold in  claims process while providing the fi-  market to see continual strong year-
         2020. Meanwhile, contracts sold in the  nancial flexibility they are promising -  on-year growth up to 2025. The need
         mortgage-related term assurance    then they will be setting a new stan-  for robust cybersecurity and cyber in-
         market contracted by 5.1% for the  dard for service delivery and meeting  surance is becoming apparent to busi-
         year. Going forward, GlobalData fore-  consumers' newly established de-  nesses of all types and sizes, as the fre-
         casts that new contracts for mortgage  mands. Similarly, usage-based-insur-  quency and severity of cyberattacks
         and non-mortgaged-related term will  ance in personal motor has become  continues to rise."
         grow by 4% in 2022."               increasingly popular among consumers  The market recorded growth of 33.5%
         Growth in the term assurance market  due to the impact of the pandemic and  in 2020 as businesses around the world
         for the next five years will be driven by  has resulted in incumbent insurers like  realized the increased threat COVID-
         both an economic recovery and the  Covea partnering with insurtech By  19 and staff working from home posed.
         removal of COVID-19 underwriting re-  Miles in order to continue reaching  The growth rate is set to remain high
         strictions. Even more importantly, a  customers."                     throughout the forecast period, with
         greater number of consumers will pur-                                 GlobalData projecting a rate of 27.3%
         chase term assurance policies because  Cyber insurance industry       growth in 2021.
         the pandemic has illustrated the nega-                                Carey-Evans adds: "COVID-19 has also
         tive impact of unprecedented events. to exceed $20bn by 2025          brought about a permanent shift in the

         Ensuring family members are pro-   The global cyber insurance market was  way businesses and consumers oper-
         tected upon death remains the key  worth $7bn in gross written premiums  ate, with remote working practices set
         driver leading to purchases in the term  (GWP) in 2020 and will reach $20.6bn  to stay and digital consumer channels
         assurance market.                  by 2025, as the market will continue  seeing more use than before the pan-
         Chong continues: "Insurers that have  to thrive post-COVID-19, according to  demic. This lasting shift in behavior will
         already adapted to the fluctuating  GlobalData, a leading data and    push the demand for both commercial
         market environment - including AIG  analytics company.                cyber insurance and to a lesser extent
         Life, BGL Group, and Aviva - will be  GlobalData's report, 'Cyber Insurance,  personal cyber insurance in the com-
         less impacted by consumer changes.  2021 Update - Thematic Research',  ing years." T

                                                                          The Insurance Times, August 2021 17
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