Page 19 - Insurance Times August 2021
P. 19

Underwriting                                         through the reinsurance treaties for smooth business
                                                              operations. But the important factor in Reinsurance is to
         In All India Fire Tariff all the weather perils viz. Cyclones,
         Flood etc. were clubbed together and a single rate was  MPL estimate to decide the retention of individual risk and
         uniformly charged all over India. The tariff rates by nature  transferring the balance to Reinsurers all over the world.
         are generally conservative and ignored risk based premium  But in case of catastrophic perils such as Tropical Cyclone
                                                              not only one client is affected but a large number of clients
         structure. This mind set appears to be continuing even
         though there are no tariffs in the Indian market.    suffer damages since the diameter of the cyclone can be as
         Consequently only those customers who are exposed to the  high as 500 kilometers plus. Here the accumulation of MPLs
         risk took the cover while the majority did not cover the  is critical. Technology of GIS comes to help to arrive at
                                                              accumulated MPLs in one single cyclone.
         hazard, leading to selection against Insurers. The time has
         come to develop sound underwriting policy for covering
                                                              Based on the MPL and Accumulation of MPLs Estimates
         Tropical Cyclones Hazard so that majority of customers buy
         the cover. Thus following the first principal of Insurance i.e.  Insurance companies can design their Reinsurance Policies
         few unfortunates are paid from the premium collected from  to protect their balance sheets with no surprises and to safe
         the majority. This is one major reason why the insurance  guard interests of their all stakeholders. GIS software
                                                              application such as TROPCYC can play very important &
         penetration has remained low in India.
                                                              effective role in delivering to the customers, updating data/
                                                              analysis on a real time basis at a click of the mouse in today's
         Maximum Probable Loss (MPL) Estimate (which the Insurers
         use as a principal tool for Underwriting & Reinsurance) is  fast-moving market.
         the answer. The Insurers have to look at their claims paid
         for Tropical Cyclones in last 5 or 6 six cyclones. The claim Loss Prevention and Disaster Management
         study would reveal the myth of 100% or total loss in a  There is a huge data source in the form of claims and
         Tropical Cyclone. Of course in some cases such as mobile  Engineers Inspections which can be utilized to recommend
         towers etc., loss can be total but not in the well built  Loss Prevention measures and to prepare disaster
         structures, in particular in bread & butter business of  management plans. This information may be shared with
         Commercial and Industrial assets. Incidentally internationally  customers of the Insurance Companies first and also with
         recognized Saffir-Simpson scale does not include Severe  the professionals viz. Architects/Structural Engineers/
         Cyclonic Storms (Wind Speeds below 119 kilometers per  Industry bodies/Disaster Management Institutes/NGOs etc
         hour) as causing significant damages. Also Insurers in India  and also general public. It would be a great service to the
         did not have significant claims reported in recent 'Nisarga  nation. Regulator can play a vital role by publishing
         & Nivar' Severe Cyclonic Storms.                     informative reports and circulating them to all concerned
                                                              and thereafter interacting with them proactively. This
         The need of the hour is to analyze the claims paid in the  would certainly increase reputation of the Insurance
         recent six or seven Tropical Cyclones by the Insurance  Industry.
         companies to arrive at realistic MPL Estimates. MPL
         Estimate would need to be co-related with Red, Yellow & Geographical Information System (GIS)
         Blue Zones by using Latitude/Longitude of the location of  Reference was made to GIS as a tool which is must for
         the claim for different occupancies. The realistic MPL  Insurance Industry for Risk Assessment, Marketing and
         Estimates together with predicted number of cyclones &  much more.
         their intensities would equip Insurers to form their
         underwriting policy. It is however recognized that the  Under remote sensing technologies with the help of
         Underwriting is not a purely technical issue but a tech-know-  satellites, it has become possible for us to monitor our planet
         commercial one and Insurers have large experience &  and gain critical information pertaining to the topography
         expertise to frame their underwriting policy.        and climate data. Over the years, this data has become
                                                              prevalent in determining as well as predicting natural
         Reinsurance                                          calamities for property protection and development.

         Reinsurance is the unique feature of Insurance business. No
         other business has it. By Reinsurance the risk is shared  GIS is now being extensively used to predict natural
         globally. Insurers/Reinsurers retain the risk based on their  disasters. Initially used to accumulate land data, GIS
         capital & risk appetite and share their premiums and claims  technology is now being increasingly integrated into risk

                                                                          The Insurance Times, August 2021 19
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