Page 41 - Life Insurance Today May 2016
P. 41

IRDAI receives applica-                  No new products if there is no new Actuary: IRDAI
tions from 10 (re)insurers
for start up in India                    IRDAI has tightened norms relating to       approval, also require inputs for cer-
                                         Appointed Actuaries (AA) in insurance       tification from actuaries.
 The Insurance Regulatory and De-        companies. If there is no appointed
 velopment Authority of India has re-    actuary, the regulator will not approve     For ensuring uniformity in appointing
 ceived applications from 10 new         new products.                                            mentors as well as to en-
 players to start operations in the                                                               sure that the companies
 country. "The regulator is currently    "If there is no appointed                                and the appointed actuar-
 processing applications of 10 play-     actuary for a considerable                               ies get full benefit of
 ers consisting of insurers and re-in-   period of time, say, more                                knowledge and expertise
 surers," said V R Iyer, member -fi-     than one year, the compa-                                of the mentor, IRDAI has
 nance and investment, IRDAI.            nies will not be allowed to transact
                                         new business,'' Pournima Gupte,             put in place a set of guidelines.
 Aditya Birla Group is setting up a      Member (Actuary), IRDAI, said in a cir-
 health insurance company in part-       cular sent to the insurers.                 For companies that do not have an
 nership with South African firm                                                     appointed actuary, an estimation of its
 MMI Holdings, market sources said.      Actuaries play the crucial role of main-    financial position at the end of every
 The global re-insurers who have         taining solvency position of insurance      financial year may be made through
 applied for licences include Munich     companies. Other aspects of the insur-      one of the actuaries from the panel,
 Re, Swiss Re, Hannover Re, SCOR,        ance business, such as new product          which needs to be appointed in line
 and Excel ILSE.                                                                     with the guidelines, Gupte said.

IRDAI to appeal Govt. for                Experienced actuaries to guide budding actuaries:
inclusion of Public insur-
ers in PMFBY                             IRDAI

 The Insurance Regulatory and Devel-     IRDAI has given the green signal for        ary at Bajaj Allianz Life Insurance, said,
 opment Authority of India will take up  appointing actuaries without relevant       "Young actuaries would require guid-
 the matter of non-inclusion of public   experience, provided they operate un-       ance in handling various issues related
 sector general insurance companies      der the supervision of an experienced       to products, solvency, and matters
 in the Pradhan Mantri Fasal Bima        actuary. IRDAI said these 'mentors'         pertaining to liabilities and assets.
 Yojana (PMFBY) with the government      should guide the actuaries thus ap-
 of India. Nilesh Sathe, member-life,    pointed on day-to-                                               Having an experi-
 IRDAI, said the regulator will take up  day basis.                                                       enced actuary as
 the issue with the government as                                                                         mentor will help ac-
 about 300,000 agents of state-owned     According to R M                                                 tuary aspirants to a
 general insurers could play a crucial   Vishakha, managing                                               great extent."
 role in popularising the scheme in      director and CEO of
 rural India.                            IndiaFirst Life Insur-                                           According to the
                                         ance, this arrangement will motivate                             new norms, the
 G Srinivasan, Chairman and Manag-       more youngsters to come on board            'mentor' should be a fellow of IAI. Fel-
 ing Director, New India Assurance,      and gain practical experience.              lows from any other institutes with
 said, "Our branch network and                                                       which IAI has mutual recognition
 people on ground are very high.         To be a qualified actuary, an individual    agreement will also be considered,
 This can make a big difference to       needs to be accredited by a body like       provided the actuary declares his or
 the scheme in rural areas. We are       the Institute of Actuaries of India (IAI).  her intention to obtain an IAI fellow-
 hopeful that we would be made a         This is done after the candidate clears     ship within one year.
 part of the scheme". The govern-        all 15 papers in actuarial science and
 ment is planning to spend Rs. 5,500     gets a fellowship. Companies also ap-       Insurers have been advised to
 crore on the crop insurance scheme      point individuals who have passed 10        strengthen the actuarial function by
 that was announced earlier.             papers as an associate in the actuarial     employing enough actuarial students.
                                         department.                                 In the process, the students will also
Life Insurance Today                                                                 get practical experience necessary for
                                         Supporting the concept of mentoring,        taking up more responsible positions
                                         Saisrinivas Dhulipala, appointed actu-      in future.

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