Page 42 - Life Insurance Today May 2016
P. 42

Glossary & Poll

Life Insurance Glossary                                         Poll of the Month

Premium                                                         Will the Terrorism Insurance benefit the citizens
The payment, or one of the periodic payments, a                                        of India at large?
policyowner agrees to make for an insurance policy. Depend-
ing on the terms of the policy, the premium may be paid in       Yes No Can’t Say
one payment or a series of regular payments, e.g., annually,
semi-annually, quarterly or monthly. The premium charged          Results of Poll in our April 2016 Issue
reflects the expectation of loss, expenses and profit contin-
gencies.                                                              Will the Indian population embrace the
                                                                        Travel Insurance Policy proficiently?
The basis for an additional charge to the standard premium      Yes- 100 %  No- 00 %           Can’t Say- 00 %
because the person insured is classified as a greater than
normal risk usually resulting from impaired health or a haz-    You may send your views to :
ardous occupation.                                              Poll Contest

Reduced Paid-up Insurance                                       Life Insurance Today.
A form of insurance available as a non-forfeiture option. It
provides for continuation of the original insurance plan, but   25, Baranashi Ghosh Street, Kolkata-7, India
for a reduced amount, without further premiums.                 Tel : 2218-4184, Fax : 033-22736612 SMS : 9830171022

Reinstatement                                                     Appearing in Licentiate Examination
Restoring a lapsed policy to its original premium paying sta-
tus, upon payment by the policy owner, with interest, of all                  (As per New Syllabus)
unpaid premiums and policy loans, and presentation of sat-
isfactory evidence of insurability by the insured.              Presenting for the first time in India a reliable and tested
                                                                coaching solution from the house of The Insurance Times, a
Rider                                                           renowned name in the field of insurance education. After
An endorsement to an insurance policy that modifies clauses     closely studying the needs of students appearing for the
and provisions of the policy, including or excluding coverage.  examinations of Insurance Institute of India our research
                                                                team has prepared this excellent set of guide materials. This
Risk Classification                                             book will cover objective type questions and answers as per
The process by which a company decides how its premium          current syllabus and shall include questions of last 10
rates for life insurance should differ according to the risk    previous terms (only objective questions)
characteristics of individuals insured (e.g., age, occupation,
sex, state of health) and then applies the resulting rules to   Subjects :                     General Insurance
individual applications.                                        Life Insurance                 01 Principles of Insurance
                                                                01 Principles of Insurance     11 Practice of General Insurance
Standard Risk                                                   02 Practice of Life Assurance  14 Regulations on Insurance
The classification of a person applying for a life insurance    14 Regulations on Insurance
policy who fits the physical, occupational and other stan-
dards on which the normal premium rates are based.              Cost: ` 650 each book including delivery charges

Substandard Risk                                                        Licentiate Exam Mock Test
The classification of a person applying for a life insurance
policy who does not meet the requirements set for the stan-     Insurance Training Centre, wing of The Insurance Times is
dard risk. An additional premium is charged on substandard      pleased to announce the launch of online Mock Tests for
risks to provide for the probability that such a person will    Licentiate exams. Each course contains mock test for each
have a shorter life span than a standard risk.                  chapter followed by a final Mock Test covering all the
                                                                chapters. After completing this online you can assess your
                                                                level of preparedness and if required you can brush up
                                                                again in order to score good marks. `300/- each paper.

                                                                Combo Offer : 3 Books plus Online Mock Test for 3
                                                                papers worth `900/- total value `2250/- :

                                                                Pay only `1200/-

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