Page 5 - Risk Management in current scenario
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Mr. Sonjai Kumar is a seasoned Risk Management professional having
more that 2 decades of experience in the insurance industry. He is a
prolific speaker and author on Risk Management and allied areas. His
passion for Risk Management makes him stand apart from his peers.
Risk Management is an integral part of management process. In this world
of extreme competition and technological development, unless the risks
are managed in a professional manner the very existence of any business
may be at stake. Businesses cannot even think of stoppage of business
for few weeks/months as their competitors would grab the opportunity
with both hands. Over the years the price war in insurance industry has
escalated to a new level. The Risk Management has taken a back seat as
pricing has overtaken the need of adequate risk management. Whatever
may be the situation there is no alternative to Risk Management.
Insurance is just a small part of the whole risk management process.
In this book the author has covered the basics of risk management,
Enterprise Risk Management, Importance of strategic and operational
risks and other related topics. The book is written in a simple and lucid
language which will be easy to read and understand even for a non Risk
I firmly believe the readers would gain lot of insights about the Risk
Management in practice.
Chief Editor
The Insurance Times
Risk Management in Current Scenario | 3