Page 8 - Risk Management in current scenario
P. 8

            Sr. No.  Topics                                      Page No.
              1.     Section-1 : Basic Risk Management                 9
                     a. Risk Management from Game of Chance           10
                          to Insurance Business
              2.     Section-2 : Enterprise Risk Management           21
                     a. Enterprise Risk Management (ERM)              22
                     b. Importance of Enterprise Risk                 26
                         Management in Life Insurance Sector
              3.     Section-3 : Risk Culture                         33

                     a. Current Risk Management Position in India     34
                     b. Lessons from Global Financial Crisis on       40
                         failure of Risk Management
                     c. Risk Culture Essential for Effective          45
                         Development of Enterprise
                         Risk Management

              4.     Section-4 : Financial Risk                       53
                     a. Assets and Liability Management in the        54
                         Indian Context
                     b. Liquidity Risk in Life Insurance              60
                     c. Assets and Liability Management in            65
                         Life Insurance
              5.     Section-5 : Strategic Risk                       83
                     a. Importance of Strategic Risk Management       84
                         in Corporate Success
              6.     Section-6 : Operational Risk                     89
                     a. Operational Risk Management                   90

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