Page 19 - Banking Finance December 2022
P. 19

erative Bank (RAFC) in Chennai, Erode  The four-tiered regulatory framework,  comply with higher regulatory require-
          and 7 other cities.  Fake  passbooks,  based on size of deposits of the UCBs,  ments...," the RBI said.
          deposit forms, debit and credit cards  will come into force with immediate
                                                                               In another circular, the RBI has listed
          among others were reportedly found  effect.
                                                                               out  the  net  worth  and  capital  ad-
          in his possession.
                                            The extant regulatory framework clas-  equacy requirements of the UCBs.
                                            sifies UCBs into two tiers -- Tier I and
                                                                               Tier 1 UCBs operating in a single dis-
          RBI imposes Rs 1.25 crore         Tier II.                           trict should have minimum net worth
                                            In a circular,  the  RBI said  given  the  of Rs 2 crore. For all other UCBs (in Tier
          penalty on Zoroastrian Co-
                                            heterogeneity in the cooperative sec-  1,  2 and 3)  tiers), the  minimum net
          operative Bank                    tor, a tiered regulatory framework  is  worth should be Rs 5 crore.
          The Reserve Bank of India has imposed  required.
          a penalty of Rs 1.25 crore on Zoroas-
                                            Such a framework is needed to balance
          trian Co-operative Bank, Mumbai for
                                            the spirit of mutuality and co-opera-  Attention Subscribers
          non-compliance  with  certain  direc-
                                            tion more prevalent in banks of smaller  Please renew your Subscription of
          tions,  including  one  related to  dis-
                                            sizes and those with  limited area of  Banking Finance Journal to receive
          counting of bills.
                                            operation  vis-a-vis  the growth ambi-  copy of the journal uninterruptedly.
          In a release, the RBI said the bank had  tions of the large-sized UCBs and un-
                                                                                You can now pay by GPAY, Phonepe,
          failed to comply with its directions on  dertake more complex business activi-
                                                                                Paytm, Amazon, ICICI Pay, BHIM UPI
          'Discounting  of  Bills  by  UCBs  -  Re-  ties.
          stricted Letters of Credit (LC)' and the
                                            "... it has been decided to adopt a four-
          provisions of the Rules, as it discounted
                                            tiered  regulatory  framework,  as
          accommodation bills under LCs without
                                            against the existing two-tiered frame-
          establishing the genuineness of under-
                                            work, for categorisation of UCBs," it
          lying  transactions/ documents  and
          failed to preserve records in good or-
          der for a period of eight years.  Going forward, the categorisation may
                                            be used for differentiated regulatory
          In a separate release, the RBI said a
                                            prescriptions aimed at strengthening
          penalty of Rs 20 lakh has been imposed
                                            the financial soundness of the UCBs.
          on  Indian  Mercantile  Co-operative
          Bank,  Lucknow for  non-compliance  The RBI has categorised all unit UCBs
          with the certain norms related classi-  and salary earners' UCBs (irrespective
          fication of non-performing assets.  of deposit  size),  and all other  UCBs
                                            having deposits up to Rs 100 crore in
          RBI comes out with four-          Tier 1.
          tiered regulatory frame-          In Tier 2, it has placed UCBs with de-
                                            posits more than Rs 100 crore and up
          work for urban coopera-
                                            to  Rs  1,000 crore.  Tier 3 will cover
          tive banks                        banks  with  deposits  more  than  Rs
                                            1,000 crore and up to Rs 10,000 crore.
          The Reserve  Bank  of  India  (RBI) on                                You  can  also  make  payment for
          Thursday  announced  a  four-tiered  UCBs  with  deposits  more  than  Rs  purchase  of  Books/Exam  Guides
          regulatory  framework for  categori-  10,000 crore have been categorised in  from
          sation of Urban Co-operative Banks  Tier 4.                           through above QR Code
                                            "If a UCB transits to a higher Tier on  For  any  query  please  call
          Besides, the central bank has come out  account of increase in deposits in any  9073791022/9883398055
          with norms pertaining to the net worth  year, it may be provided a glide path
          and capital adequacy of these banks.  of up to a maximum of three years, to

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