Page 35 - Banking Finance December 2022
P. 35
s we all know that digital disruption in Banking Rs 200 per transaction and an overall limit of Rs 2,000 for
A and Financial Services is creating plethora of An offline digital payment means a transaction which does
all transactions until balance in the account is replenished.
opportunities for service provider to come up
not require internet or telecom connectivity. Under this new
with innovative digital products and serve their
customers well but at the same time it is a framework, such payments can be carried out face-to-face
challenging assignment for the Regulators to keep pace with (proximity mode) using any channel or instrument like cards,
the fast-changing ecosystem for providing safe, secure and wallets and mobile devices. Such transactions would not
cost-effective financial services by creating state-of-the-art require an Additional Factor of Authentication (AFA).
payment and settlement systems in the country.
The Reserve Bank of India (RBI) has created a new
Giving a big push to digital transactions in areas with poor department to identify challenges and opportunities in
internet connectivity, the Reserve Bank of India (RBI) has financial technology, particularly around cryptocurrency. The
recently allowed offline mode of payments using any channel department could be active on the cryptocurrency front, in
or instrument like cards, wallets or mobile devices. terms of framing regulations. Apart from cryptocurrency,
experts believe the creation of the RBI's central bank digital
According to the RBI, transactions are subject to a limit of currency will also fall under its purview.
Likewise, various initiatives were undertaken by RBI to
About the author
facilitate digital penetration by enhancing acceptance
Rajiv Jamuar infrastructure across the country and introducing innovative
Asst. General Manager (Faculty) payment options to deepen the reach of payment systems.
Union Bank of India
Staff College Bengaluru
A) For improving customer's convenience, some