Page 43 - Banking Finance December 2022
P. 43


          Hence banks started devising their own way of financing  financial due diligence, sanctity of data and information
          working  capital  and  thus came an  innovative method  submitted  by  the  prospective  borrower.  Assessing
          "Flexible Bank Finance Method" which is being used by some  authorities now insist upon obtaining financial statements,
          banks like Union Bank of India.                     various certificates etc issued by Chartered Accountants
          Features  of  Flexible  Bank  Finance
                                                              For assessment of working capital limit under FBF method,
                                                              there is need to understand and evaluate three components
          Flexible Bank Finance Method is an extension of permissible  as under-
          Bank Finance (PBF) Method with customer friendly approach  1)  Obtaining  financial  data  in  CMA  format  (Credit
          in as much as the scope of Current Assets is made broad  Monitoring Arrangement).
          based and for evaluating projected liquidity, acceptable level
                                                              2)  Operating cycle of the business.
          of Current Ratio (Current assets/ Current liabilities) is taken
          at 1.17:1                                           3)  Holding period of current assets and creditors in the
          Flexible  Bank  Finance  (FBF)  method shall  be
                                                              CMA format consists of the following 6 parts/
          applicable as per amount of exposure as under-
          1)  MSE accounts- Above Rs.5.00 Cr
                                                              Form-I: Particulars of existing/ proposed limits from the
          2)  Non MSE accounts- Above Rs.1.00 Cr
                                                              banking system
                                                              Form-II: Operating statement
          Under FBF method, there is uniformity in classification of
          current assets and current liabilities as per CMA format.  Form-III: Analysis of balance sheet
                                                              Form-IV: Comparative statement of Current assets/ Current
          The assessment of credit requirement of a party shall be
          made based on  the projected  study of  the  borrower's
                                                              Form-V: Computation of MPBF for working capital
          business operations vis-à-vis the production / processing cycle
          of  the  industry. The  projected  level  of  inventory  and  Form-VI: Funds Flow statement
          receivables shall be examined in relation to the past trend
          of unit, market developments and industry trend.    Information provided in Form II, III, IV, and VI serves the
                                                              detailed  financial  analysis.  Form  V  shall  be  used  for
          FBF method is based on the assessment of limit as the  computation of  FBF. In Form-I information  relating  to
          difference between Working capital gap and Projected Net  working capital  and term loan borrowings  (existing and
          working capital.                                    proposed) is obtained. Additional information  regarding
                                                              borrowings from Non Bank Finance Companies (NBFC),
          The GAP in required level of resources to maintain  the  borrowings from Term Lending Institutions for working
          projected level of current assets and the manner in which
          the current assets are managed need to be examined.

          Assessment under Flexible Bank Finance
          (FBF) method
          Firstly, we need to analyse non financial parameters of
          borrowing entity, like proper due diligence including KYC
          compliance of borrowers, guarantors, property/ ies offered
          as security, audit observations and operational aspects (in
          case of existing accounts).

          Alongside, we need to focus on financial parameters like

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