Page 50 - Banking Finance December 2022
P. 50


                 How family members or legal

           heirs can trace deceased person's


                 ome  people  are  very  organized  about  their  deceased's PAN card as his legal heir. "This application will
         S       investments-they  maintain  records,  specify  most likely get rejected as there is no defined process for
                                                              re-issuance of a deceased's PAN card. If it is rejected, you
                 nominees, and even keep their families informed.
                                                              could possibly reach out to the courts in a writ jurisdiction
                 But  there  are  many  who  spend  much  time
          agonizing over where to invest, and also do not pass on the  to issue a directive to the I-T authorities to re-issue the
          information about their assets to their family members.  deceased's PAN to the family members," says Sarguroh.
          What happens when individuals die without giving their
          families any clues about their investments? Are there ways  Physical documents and IDs: One can begin by searching for
          to unearth information about a deceased's investments?  bank and other investment documents at home such as the
                                                              deceased's bank passbooks or cheque books, diaries with
          Family members or legal heirs of a deceased can start by  notes, or PAN card and bank locker keys-all of which can
          searching for any physical documents, or get in touch with  come in handy for tracing assets.
          their chartered accountant (CA) or tax advisor, if any. Else,
                                                              "We have seen that even people who are relatively less
          they can rely on the deceased's income tax return (ITR) or
                                                              organized, tend to collect all their disorganized material
          Annual Information Statement(AIS). But, for these, one
                                                              (documents) in one place. This could be a drawer, box or
          needs access to that person's mobile phone and PAN. If you
                                                              shelf, the one place where they put everything," says Vishal
          do not have the PAN,  is  there  a way  out? According to
                                                              Dhawan, founder & CEO, Plan Ahead Wealth Advisors. Past
          Nadiya Sarguroh, principal associate, MZM Legal, LLP one
                                                              bank statements can provide a  mine of information on
          way  to  do  this  could  be  to  apply  for  re-issue  of  the
                                                              income, expenses  and investments, including interest
                                                              income from deposits and dividends from shares. Gaining
                                                              access  to  the  bank  account, however,  will depend on
                                                              whether the claimant is a nominee or not.
                                                              CA /tax advisor: Yet another crucial source of information
                                                              can be the deceased person's CA or tax advisor. "The CA is
                                                              likely to have lot more details about a person's investments.
                                                              He can give clues on bank accounts, the kind of incomes filed
                                                              in the income tax return (ITR), which, in turn, can be used
                                                              to trace investments made, "says, Nishant Agarwal, senior
                                                              managing partner, CFP - Advisory, ASK Private Wealth.

                                                              ITR: If the deceased person was filing returns on his own,
                                                              then the family members can try accessing the deceased
                                                              person's tax returns on the Income Tax (I-T) portal.

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