Page 53 - Banking Finance December 2022
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                                                              1. Please refer to the Master Direction – Non-Banking
                                                                 Financial  Company  -  Account  Aggregator (Reserve
          Basel  III  Framework  on  Liquidity                   Bank) Directions, 2016 dated September 02, 2016.
          Standards – Standing Deposit Facility               2. With a view to facilitate cash flow-based lending to
                                                                 MSMEs, it has  been decided to include Goods and
                                          November 23, 2022
                                                                 Services Tax Network (GSTN) as a Financial Information
          1. Please refer to circular DBOD.BP.BC.No.120/21.04.098/  Provider (FIP) under the Account Aggregator (AA)
             2013-14 dated June 09, 2014 on ‘Basel III Framework  framework.  Department  of  Revenue  shall be  the
             on Liquidity Standards – Liquidity Coverage Ratio (LCR),  regulator of GSTN for this specific purpose and Goods
             Liquidity Risk Monitoring Tools  and  LCR  Disclosure  and Services Tax (GST) Returns, viz. Form GSTR-1 and
             Standards’ and the Press Release 2022-2023/41 dated  Form GSTR-3B, shall be the Financial Information.
             April 08, 2022 on operationalising of Standing Deposit  3. Accordingly, the select instructions contained  in the
             Facility (SDF).                                     Master  Direction  referred  to  above  have  been
          2. We  have  received  queries  from  banks  seeking   amended, as detailed in the Annex.
             clarification on the treatment of SDF under Liquidity
             Risk Management Framework.                       Exim Bank’s GoI supported Line of Credit
          3. Accordingly, it is advised that the overnight balances  of USD 300 Mn to the SBM (Mauritius)
             held by banks with RBI under SDF shall be eligible as
                                                              Infrastructure Development Company
             ‘Level  1  High  Quality  Liquid  Assets  (HQLA)’  for
             computation of LCR.                              Ltd. for Construction of Phase-IV of the
          Applicability                                       Mauritius  Metro  Express  Project  in
          4. This circular  is applicable  to  all Commercial  Banks
             (excluding Local Area Banks, Regional Rural Banks and
             Payments Banks).                                                                 November 17, 2022

          5. These instructions shall come into force with immediate
             effect.                                          1. Export-Import Bank of India (Exim Bank) has entered
                                                                 into an agreement dated October 17, 2022 with the
          Inclusion of Goods and Service Tax Network             SBM (Mauritius) Infrastructure Development Company
                                                                 Ltd  (SBMIDCL),  for  making  available  to  the latter,
          (GSTN) as a Financial Information Provider
                                                                 Government of India supported Line of Credit (LoC) of
          under Account Aggregator Framework                     USD 300 million (USD Three Hundred Million Only) for

                                          November 23, 2022
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