Page 51 - Insurance Times April 2022
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IRDAI Circular
Disclosure of underwriting philosophy of 4. All insurers (Life, General and Health Insurers) are here
by directed to comply with the aforesaid instructions
offering Health Insurance Coverage to
Transgender persons
5. This has the approval of the competent authority.
(DVS Ramesh)
General Manager (H)
1. Reference is drawn to the provisions of IRDAI (Health Empanelment of Suppliers of Housekeeping
Insurance) Regulations, 2016 in accordance to which Material and Pantry Items
every insurer shall evolve a health insurance
underwriting policy covering approach and aspects
relating to offering health insurance coverage not only Date:08-03-2022
to standard lives but also to substandard lives. Attention
Insurance Regulatory and Development Authority of India
is also drawn to provision of The Transgender Persons
(IRDAI), Hyderabad intends to prepare a panel of reputed
(Protection of Rights) Act, 2019.
vendors for supply of housekeeping material and pantry
2. Reference is also drawn to the circular (Ref.No: IRDAI/ items. Orders for supply of the items will be placed with the
HLT/MISC/CIR/129/06/2020 dated 2.6.2020) issued by empaneled vendors after inviting quotations.
Authority on disclosure of underwriting philosophy of Those interested to be empaneled can apply on the
offering insurance coverage to Persons with Disability prescribed form which is available at IRDAI’s website
(PWD), people affected with HIV/AIDS and Mental
Illness diseases directing all insurers to publish on their
The prescribed proforma duly filled in may be submitted in
respective company’s website the aspects of
underwriting philosophy and approach with regard to a sealed cover clearly superscribing it as ‘Application for
Empanelment of Vendors for supply of housekeeping
offering insurance coverage to the above referred
material and pantry items’ to the General Manager
category of population.
(Administration), IRDAI, Survey No.115/1, Nanakramguda,
3. In consonance with above, all the insurers now are Financial District, Hyderabad 500032 on or before 28th
further instructed to publish on their respective March, 2022.
websites the aspects of underwriting philosophy and
IRDAI reserves the right to reject any or all the applications
approach with regard to offering health insurance
without assigning any reasons thereof.
coverage to transgender persons so that the targeted
population may have complete information on the
GM (Administration)
philosophy that insurers adopt in this regard.
The Insurance Times, April 2022 51