Page 34 - Insurance Times November 2020
P. 34

                                                                                    (Figures in percent of Premium)
                   Individual  Corporate  Brokers Direct  MI  Common   Web    IMF   Online  Point  Total  Referrals
                    Agents     Agents            Selling  Agents Service  Aggre-             of  Group
           Insurer                                     Centres gators                       Sales  New
                            Banks  Others*              (CSCs)                                  Business
           Private  25.58   53.8   82.87  2.94   12.08  0.002   0.00   0.35   0.11   2.07  0.118 100.00   0.06
           LIC#     95.81   2.49    0.09  0.04   1.24   0.04   0.00    0.00   0.02   0.27   0.00  100.00  0.00
           Industry  62.26  27.03   1.42  1.42   6.42   0.02   0.002   0.17   0.06   1.13  0.056 100.00   0.03
         *Any entity other than banks but licensed as a corporate agent.
         # Does not include its overseas new business premium.
         Note: 1) New business premium includes first year premium and single premium.
               2) The leads obtained through referral arrangements have been included in the respective channels.

         Digital Investments Making Insurers                  However, businesses are first and foremost investing on
                                                              keeping track of their workforce and operations functional.
         Resilient:                                           Traditionally, sectors outside of new age businesses, banking
         This is the opportunity within the difficult times insurers are  and financial services have not turned wholeheartedly
         moving through-to enable underwriters, claims and other  towards automation solutions yet. The lockdown has clearly
         staff to effectively continue to do their jobs remotely. To  demonstrated how technologically-enabled businesses have
         reduce reliance on IT and put control in the hands of the  thrived during the crisis, but many businesses are still figuring
         business units, To accelerate innovation so that new  out where they want to start their automation journey in
         products and services can be more easily created and  the new normal. The entire focus of enterprises during the
         launched to respond to dynamic markets and new       lockdown has gone from automation for cost optimization
         regulation. The covid-19 pandemic has disrupted businesses  to business continuity and resilience.
         like never before, but has also created an opportunity to
         invest in digital solutions that will build resilience in the long-  The kind of solutions that businesses are looking at to build
         term. The demand for digital solutions across cloud services,  resilience through automation is Multifoods. As businesses
         consumer-facing businesses, and education, among others,  started moving to the unlock phase in addition to workforce
         has gone up significantly during the pandemic.       safety, they wanted to know how they could engage with


                                                                                   (Figures in percent of Premium)
                   Individual  Corporate  Brokers Direct  MI  Common   Web    IMF   Online  Point  Total  Referrals
                    Agents     Agents           Selling  Agents Service  Aggre-              of  Group
          Insurer                                      Centres gators                       Sales  New
                            Banks  Others*              (CSCs)                                  Business
          Private    0.87   19.03   9.24  4.25   66.13  0.48   0.00    0.00   0.00   0.00   0.00  100.00  0.00
          LIC#       2.18   0.032   0.00  0.02   97.76  0.00   0.00    0.00   0.00   0.00   0.00  100.00  0.00
          Industry   1.90   4.22    2.04  0.95   90.78  0.11   0.00    0.00   0.00   0.00   0.00  100.00  0.00
         *Any entity other than banks but licensed as a corporate agent.
         # Does not include its overseas new business premium.
         Note: 1) New business premium includes first year premium and single premium.
              2) The leads obtained through referral arrangements have been included in the respective channels.

          34  The Insurance Times, November 2020
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