Page 39 - Insurance Times November 2020
P. 39

Ms. Malti Jaswal - Senior Consultant, World Bank, and  changes with the advent of digital technologies. Mr. Anirban
         Advisor, National Health Authority emphasized the need to  Roy - Co-Founder & CEO, Pentation Analytics said that
         broaden the base of the Ayushman Bharat scheme by the  InsureTech covered a wide spectrum of processes that bring
         inclusion of the missing middle.  Mr. D V S Ramesh - General  cost efficiencies, value additions to customers, and helps aid
         Manager, Insurance Regulatory & Development Authority of  distribution of insurance. Mr. Rohan Kumar - Co-Founder &
         India (IRDAI) informed about initiatives taken by IRDAI like  CEO, Toffee Insurance felt the expectations of youth in India
         the one which was mandating insurers to come up with a  have changed and they wanted relevant products to suit their
         short term covid specific product. The insurers came out with  needs and wanted to consume them in a manner they are
         corona kavach as a result of the efforts of IRDAI. He said  used to like they use Amazon and Uber. The insurers have to
         IRDAI has the interests of the general public in mind and  design products in line with the changing preferences of such
         insurers have supported the initiatives of IRDAI     customers. Mr. Sourabh Chatterjee - President & Head
         wholeheartedly during the current pandemic. Dr. Bhabatosh  Technology, Digital Sales, Travel, Bajaj Allianz General
         Mishra - Director Underwriting, Products & Claims,Max Bupa  Insurance Co. Ltd. felt that InsureTech was challenging the
         Health Insurance shared his views, and the discussion ended  status quo of the entire value chain of insurance by bringing
         with his thoughts. He felt what customers needed was the  information from industries outside of the insurance industry
         right care (treatment protocol), at the right set up at the right  like gaming, food delivery, e-commerce industries in the
         cost.                                                insurance industry to design and innovate better products for
                                                              customers. The influence of this has been to make insurance
         Prof. Pratik Priyadarshi, moderated the second-panel  products more simple, visible, and available.
         discussion on the theme of "Business Continuity: Can Insurance
         Offer the Necessary Succour?He initiated the discussion by  Mr. Vijai S. Raghunathan - Consulting & Transformation
         explaining the business continuity by giving an example from  Leader Customer Success Team, L&T InfoTech thought that
         an incident from epic Ramayana where younger brother  the scenario in InsureTech space to be a David and Goliath
         Bharat took the slippers of Lord Ram and kept them on the  situation. Where David's was InsureTech's and Goliath's were
         throne when lord ram went into exile so that the show could  the large insurers. He felt for InsureTech to grow and succeed
         go on. Mr. Rakesh Jain - CEO, Reliance General Insurance  David's and goliaths will have to work together.
         Co. Ltd pointed out the distinction between business
                                                              BIMTECH regularly acknowledges outstanding contributions
         interruption which had its origins in fire insurance, and
                                                              in the field of Insurance, by conferring Life Time Achievement
         consequential loss of profits due to the occurrence of fire
         while business continuity was an extension of disaster  Awards to eminent professionals from the industry. During this
                                                              colloquium, it honoured Mr. Nasir A. Choudhury Founding
                                                              Managing Director & Advisor of Green Delta Insurance
         Mr. Sanjeev Jha - Managing Director & CEO, Fairfirst  Company Limited-Bangladesh for his outstanding and
         Insurance Ltd. said that an answer to whether the business  exemplary contribution to the growth of the Bangladesh
         interruption losses due to covid can be covered in the future  insurance industry. Mr. Nasir A. Chaudhary, post accepting
         was what price would be customers would be willing to pay  the award gave his acceptance speech in which he spoke
         to receive such a coverage benefit.                  about his life's journey. In 1986 he took the courage to start
                                                              his venture with Green Delta Insurance. Innovation and
         Mr. Tapan Singhel - Managing Director & CEO, Bajaj Allianz
                                                              customer-centric approach was the guiding force of his
         General Insurance Co. Ltd. felt the mindset of realising the
                                                              organisation. Green Delta was not only the largest insurer in
         need of having insurance when a crisis happens has to change.  Bangladesh but the most trusted insurer and prompt claim
         Customers have now realised the importance of insurance
                                                              settler. He thanked BIMTECH for honouring him.
         more than ever due to the pandemic. He stated he was proud
         to say that as an insurer "We get paid to do good".  The event concluded with a vote of thanks proposed to all
                                                              involved in the successful conduct of the programme by Prof.
         Prof. Manoj Kumar Pandey moderated the third panel
                                                              Dr. Manoj Pareek.
         discussion on the theme of "Hastening InsureTech Adoption
         in Insurance Business: Status and Appraisal" started by saying  The Insurance Times and Chartered Insurance Institute
         that technology has been part and parcel of insurance of  (CII) - India were the Journal Partner and Education Partner
         industry for decades but the past ten years have seen rapid  respectively of this colloquium.

                                                                      The Insurance Times, November 2020 39
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