Page 49 - Insurance Times November 2020
P. 49

Council in the format already being used for Amphan  timely settlement of life insurance claims, you are advised
             cyclone claims.                                  to take the following actions immediately in all the states
         4. We request you to take urgent steps for expeditious  affected due to this disaster.
             settlement of claims in the flood affected areas and  1. Nominate a senior level officer who would act as a nodal
             submit details of the same as advised above.        officer in the state to liaise with the state administration
                                                                 to facilitate identification of policyholders among the
         Yegnapriya Bharath                                      deceased due to floods. The nodal officer should contact
         Chief General Manager (Non-Life)                        the Chief Secretary/Officer concerned of the state
                                                                 immediately and be in regular contact thereafter.
         Allowing IC-38 exams for individual                  2. Similarly, a nodal officer may be appointed in affected
         agents through remote proctor on pilot                  district to liaise with the DM/District Administration.
                                                                 The contact particulars of all the Nodal Officers shall
         basis                                                   be conveyed to the Authority.

         IRDAI/CAD/CIR/MISC/267/11/2020                       3. Initiate immediate action to ensure that all reported
                                             Date:04-11-2020     claims are registered and eligible claims are settled
         The Authority has decided to allow IC-38 examination for  4. With regard to claims involving loss of life, where
         individual agents to be conducted from remote locations vide  difficulty is experienced in obtaining a death certificate
         remote proctor model proposed by NSEIT. However, this   due to non-recovery of body etc., the process followed
         model shall be allowed on pilot basis for an initial time period  in the case of Chennai floods in 2015 may be considered.
         of thirty days in the four cities- Mumbai, Delhi, Kolkata and  5. A suitably simplified process/procedure including
                                                                 relaxations in the usual requirements wherever feasible
                                                                 may be considered to expedite claims settlement.
         NSEIT shall communicate to all insurance companies the
         date from which this model can be made live for the  6. Details of offices/special camps set up for the purpose
         candidates appearing in these four cities. Also, the details  may be publicized in the press, electronic media etc.
         of fees, IT requirements, and demo for the examination  to enable immediate filing of claims. Details of such
         process, etc. shall be shared by NSEIT with the insurance  publicity activities may be sent to the Authority,
         companies.                                              immediately.
                                                              7. With a view to limit the fallout of the Novel Corona Virus
         Post completion of thirty days of remote proctor model in  (COVID-19) pandemic and limiting direct/indirect social
         the above mentioned four cities, the Authority shall    contact, all the Life Insurers are advised to encourage
         evaluate the POC and communicate further instructions to  and motivate their policyholders/claimants to adopt e-
         insurance companies.                                    modes, wherever possible for correspondence while
                                                                 intimating the claim and the procedure for filing all the
         T. S. Naik                                              relevant documents.
         General Manager                                      8. If Policyholders/claimants are coming  to office, Insurers
         Agency Distribution
                                                                 should  follow  the government directions regarding
                                                                 maintaining social distancing and proper sanitization.
         To Chairman/CEOs of Life Insurers                       The staff must be duly sensitized to deal with
                                                                 policyholders/claimants with empathy and concern.
                                                              9. The State-wise Progress report & consolidated report
                                                                 on the claims settled shall be submitted to
         As a result of recent havoc created by heavy rainfall and and on a
         floods there are reports of loss of human lives and loss of  weekly basis before 12.00 PM (first such report to be
         belongings in the affected Districts of primarily the states  received on 3rd Nov. 2020). PMJJBY claims data need
         of Andhra Pradesh, Telangana, Maharashtra and Karnataka.  to be submitted separately while including the same in
         In order to extend every possible facilitation for quick and  total claims. The format for data to be submitted state

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