Page 46 - Insurance Times November 2020
P. 46


          Vehicle Insurance

         Claim denied under mother's life insur-              who signs the form cannot normally disown the statements
                                                              made. Since such an allegation was neither made in the
         ance policy over incorrect information               complaint nor was the agent made a party to the dispute,
         Raj Kumari had taken a policy of Rs 2 lakh from LIC. When  the Commission rejected this argument. By its order of
         she died on February 14, 2016, her son Rajesh Kumar made  October 15 delivered by Justice V K Jain, the National Com-
         a claim under the policy. It was rejected on the grounds  mission upheld the LIC's stand and dismissed the complaint.
         that false answers were given to the questions in the pro-
         posal form, pre-existing ailments had been suppressed, and  Supreme Court uphelds the maxim of
         wrong information was furnished about the leave taken by  Utmost goodfaith in disclosure of Pre
         the insured.
                                                              existing diseases in proposal form.
         LIC merely offered to refund the premium of Rs. 81,216.
         Rajesh Kumar filed a complaint before the district forum,  In a recent judgement the Supreme court while setting
         which ordered the claim to be paid. LIC's appeal to the  aside the verdict of the National Consumer Disputes
         Himachal Pradesh State Commission was also dismissed. LIC  Redressal Commission said the contract of insurance is of
         then went in revision before the National Commission, ar-  "utmost good faith" and a proposer who seeks to obtain
         guing that orders were passed without considering the  life insurance policy is duty bound to disclose all material
         evidence produced by it.                             facts bearing upon the issue. The apex court said this while
                                                              setting aside the March this year verdict of the National
         LIC relied on the previous treatment record and leave cer-  Consumer Disputes Redressal Commission (NCDRC) which
         tificates which showed Raj Kumari was suffering from rheu-
                                                              had dismissed the plea of an insurance firm against the
         matic heart disease, diabetes and hypertension since 2010,  order asking it to pay full death claim along with interest
         but she had suppressed these ailments in the proposal form
                                                              to the mother of the deceased.
         submitted on March 4, 2013 by intentionally giving false
         answers.                                             A bench headed by Justice D Y Chandrachud noted that the
                                                              proposal form requires a specific disclosure of pre-existing
         Rajesh Kumar contended that LIC's panel doctor had exam-  ailments, so as to enable the insurer to arrive at a consid-
         ined his mother prior to issuance of the policy and had found  ered decision based on the actuarial risk. "A contract of
         her to be in good health. The National Commission rejected  insurance is one of utmost good faith. A proposer who seeks
         this argument, observing it may not be possible to detect  to obtain a policy of life insurance is duty bound to disclose
         all ailments during a clinical examination and tests con-  all material facts bearing upon the issue as to whether the
         ducted at that time, especially when the documentary evi-  insurer would consider it appropriate to assume the risk
         dence clearly established that treatment had been sought  which is proposed," said the bench, also comprising Justices
         for pre-existing ailments, and that her leave record at work  Indu Malhotra and Indira Banerjee. The bench delivered its
         coincided with her hospitalization. The Commission pointed  judgement on an appeal filed by insurance firm against the
         out that the insured had failed in her duty to disclose rel-  NCDRC's verdict which had rejected its plea against the
         evant information by truthfully answering the questions in  state's CDRC order in the matter.
         the proposal form.
                                                              While setting aside the NCDRC's order, the bench noted the
         Rajesh Kumar tried to argue that the form had been filled  proposer had failed to disclose that he was suffering from
         in by the agent without consulting the proposer, in this case  preexisting illness and also about vomiting of blood which
         Raj Kumari herself. The Commission held that a proposer  had taken place barely a month prior to the issuance of

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