Page 27 - BANKING FINANCE February 2024
P. 27



         THE NAUGHTY


          M           aintaining  mental  focus  can  be  quite  making changes to your daily habits. Here are some tips and
                                                              techniques from the field of psychology that can help you
                      challenging, especially with the constant
                      distractions we encounter on a daily basis. In
                                                              enhance your focus and develop a laser-like concentration,
                      today's interconnected world, it is incredibly
          easy to get sidetracked by notifications from social media  1st step towards becoming mentally focused is to;
          or the latest news updates. However, having strong mental  Evaluate Your Mental Focus:
          focus is vital for achieving success. The ability to concentrate  Start by assessing your current level of mental focus. Take a
          on a task at hand is essential for learning, accomplishing
                                                              moment to determine how easily you can stay attentive,
          goals, and performing well in various situations.
                                                              set goals, break tasks into smaller parts, and resume work
                                                              after short breaks. If you find these things relatively easy to
          Whether you are working on a report or participating in a  do,  you  already  possess  decent  concentration  skills.
          marathon, the  level of focus you  possess can greatly  However, with practice, you can further enhance your
          influence your outcomes. The good news is that focus is like  abilities. Conversely, if you often find yourself daydreaming,
          a mental muscle that can be developed and strengthened
                                                              struggling to ignore distractions, or losing track of your
          over time. The more you practice, the better it becomes.
                                                              progress, it is time to work on improving your mental focus.
          Improving mental focus requires effort and may involve
                                                              Reduce Distractions:
                        About the author
                                                              Distractions can severely impede your ability to concentrate.
           Rohtash Singh                                      It is important to identify and eliminate as many distractions
           Faculty                                            as possible. Some distractions may come from external
           ZLC Hyderabad                                      sources, such as noisy co-workers or a blaring radio. Others
           Union Bank of India
                                                              may originate internally, such as exhaustion, anxiety, or

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