Page 35 - BANKING FINANCE February 2024
P. 35


         NEED FOR



         IN INDIA

                                                              is discouraged and small businesses within the country often
                                                              find it impossible to overcome the "start-up costs" required
         Corruption is dishonest behaviour or abuse of entrusted
                                                              because of corruption.
         power for private gain. It starts with the tendency of using
         public office for some personal benefit, implies the failure  Corruptions can be in many forms:
         of ethics and erodes trust, weakens democracy, hampers
                                                                 Extortion: It is the use of threats or coercion to obtain
         economic development, undermines democratic institutions
                                                                 money or favours
         slows economic development, contributes to governmental
                                                                 Nepotism: It is the awarding of jobs and promotions
         instability and further exacerbates inequality, poverty, social
                                                                 based on family relationships
         division and the environmental crisis. Corruption is a complex
         social, political and economic phenomenon that affects all  Cronyism: It is the favouring of friends and associates
         civilisations and attacks the foundation of democratic  Fraud: It is the intentional misrepresentation of facts
         institutions by distorting electoral processes, perverting the  Money laundering: It is the concealment of illegally
         rule of law and creating bureaucratic quagmires whose only  obtained funds
         reason for existing is the soliciting of bribes. Economic
                                                                 Embezzlement: It is the misappropriation of funds
         development is stunted because foreign direct investment
                                                                 Misuse of funds: It is the unauthorized use of funds
                                                                 Bribery: It is the act of offering, giving, soliciting, or
                               About the author
                                                                 receiving of any item of value as a means of influencing
                       Dr. Deepak Kumar                          the actions of an individual holding a public or legal duty
                       Senior Manager (Research)                 Influence peddling: the use of position or political
                       Union Learning Academy, Credit & Policy   influence on someone's behalf in exchange for money
                       Union Bank of India, Lucknow
                                                                 or favours

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