Page 59 - BANKING FINANCE February 2024
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          8. The revised instructions shall come into force from the  A (Section I) of the Master Direction – Risk Manage-
             date  of  issue  of  the  circular.  The  circular  ment and Interbank Dealings dated July 5, 2016, as
             UBD.CO.BPD(PCB).No.20/16.05.000/2013-14 dated       amended from time to time, and in supersession of the
             September 27, 2013 will thus stand repealed.        notifications listed in the Annex-II.
                                                              4. Authorised Persons shall mean Authorised Dealer Cat-
          Risk Management and Inter-Bank Deal-                   egory - I banks and for the purpose of exchange traded
          ings – Hedging of foreign exchange risk                currency derivatives, Recognised Stock Exchanges and
                                                                 Recognised Clearing Corporations, authorised under
                                              January 5, 2024    Section 10 (1) of the Foreign Exchange Management
                                                                 Act, 1999 (42 of 1999).
          1. Please refer to paragraph 1 of the Statement on De-
                                                              5. The Directions contained in this circular have been is-
             velopmental and Regulatory Policies, issued as a part
                                                                 sued under Sections 10(4) and 11(1) of the Foreign Ex-
             of the Bi-monthly Monetary Policy Statement for 2023-
             24 dated December 08, 2023 on review of the regula-  change Management Act, 1999 (42 of 1999) and Sec-
                                                                 tion 45W of the Reserve Bank of India, 1934 (02 of
             tory framework for hedging of foreign exchange risks.
                                                                 1934) and are without prejudice to permissions/ ap-
             Attention of Authorised Persons is invited to the For-
                                                                 provals, if any, required under any other law.
             eign Exchange Management (Foreign Exchange Deriva-
             tive Contracts) Regulations, 2000 dated May 03, 2000
             (Notification No. FEMA.25/RB-2000 dated May 03, Amendment to the Master  Direction
             2000), as amended from time to time and Master Di-  (MD) on KYC
             rection – Risk Management and Inter-Bank Dealings
             dated July 05, 2016, as amended from time to time.                                   January 4, 2024
          2. The Foreign Exchange Management (Foreign Exchange  1. Please refer to the Master Direction (MD) on KYC dated
             Derivative Contracts) (First Amendment) Regulations,  February 25, 2016, as amended from time to time, in
             2020 (Notification no. FEMA.398/RB-2020 dated Feb-  terms of which Regulated Entities (REs) have to under-
             ruary 18, 2020) and A. P. (DIR Series) circular no. 29  take Customer Due Diligence (CDD), as per the process
             dated April 07, 2020 (which came into effect from Sep-  laid out therein, for their customers.
             tember 01, 2020) were issued after a comprehensive
                                                              2. In the extant Direction, the definition of Politically Ex-
             review and public consultation. The foreign exchange
                                                                 posed Persons (PEPs) is provided in sub-clause (xvii) of
             risk management facilities have been further reviewed
             based on the feedback received from market partici-  clause (a) of Section 3 of the MD on KYC. However, in
                                                                 order to provide better clarity, it has been decided to
             pants and experience gained since the revised frame-  include the definition of PEPs as an explanation to Sec-
             work came into force. Also, the Directions in respect
             of all types of foreign exchange transactions (including  tion 41 of the Master Direction as under:
             cash, tom and spot) have been consolidated. Further,  “Explanation: For the purpose of this Section, “Politi-
             the Directions contained in the Currency Futures (Re-  cally Exposed Persons” (PEPs) are individuals who are
             serve Bank) Directions, 2008 (Notification No. FED.1/  or have been entrusted with prominent public functions
             DG(SG)-2008 dated August 06, 2008), as amended from  by a foreign country, including the Heads of States/
             time to time, and Exchange Traded Currency Options  Governments, senior politicians, senior government or
             (Reserve  Bank) Directions,  2010  (Notification No.  judicial or military officers, senior executives of state-
             FED.01/ED(HRK)-2010 dated July 30, 2010), as amended  owned corporations and important political party offi-
             from time to time, are now being incorporated in the  cials.”
             Master Direction – Risk Management and Inter-Bank  3. Consequently, the sub-clause (xvii) of clause (a) of Sec-
             Dealings.                                           tion 3 of the above quoted Master Direction has been
          3. The revised Directions are provided at Annex-I to this  removed. The relevant Sections of the MD on KYC are
             circular. These Directions shall come into effect from  hereby amended to reflect the changes as mentioned
             April 05, 2024, replacing the existing Directions in Part  above.

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