Page 10 - Life Insurance Today March 2018
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         S     uccessful selling is the essence of marketing. It  Successful selling stats, if you start your sales call with a

               revolves around the needs and interest of the seller.
                                                              positive belief that you are going to succeed, the chances
               Infact, selling starts with the seller. Selling as an
                                                              the belief that your product will help your client that he
         occupation is something that leaves most people terror-  are that you will. This kind of self-confidence comes from
         stricken. Yet selling is such an integral part of running any  needs it and therefore, you are going to sell it to him. The
         business that good sales people are in great demand.  fact is, the ability to sell a hairbrush to a bald man is the
         Believe me, there's no end to learning in the sales game.  secret of successful selling. It is actually possible to do this
                                                              by creative selling.
         Everyday offers an opportunity to learn something new
         and every sales person has a new story to add to the  Creative selling is basically awakening clients to their own
         repertoire of techniques that we use to make a sale. With  need of, or desire for something. The fact is selling is not
         self- confidence, cheerfulness, a positive attitude and a  mystical process. It's a predictable logical, step- by- step
         desire to succeed, the sales agent goes out and helps  process like a production line. When we put in the right
         people while making a good living for him.           component parts. We get the correct end- product. When
                                                              we put in fewer component parts than necessary, we get
                        About the author                      an inferior end product. There is no mystery about
                                                              salesmanship. Our results come from our action, not from
           Dr Ashish Barua                                    our understanding. It's said that knowledge without action
           BA, LLB, MA(Eco.), MBA (Finance),
                                                              serves no one. This is never truer than in sales. Pick up
           Ph.D. (Economics), D. Litt(Economics)              your pen and start now to create your targets and your
           Former: Director/Professor IIRM
                                                              self-management system charts. Success is in your hands.

                               "The relationship between husband and wife should be one of closest friends."

          10                                           March 2018                             Life Insurance Today
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