Page 7 - Life Insurance Today March 2018
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registering the complaint. Policy holder receives the  Grievance Flowchart:
         confirmation email after registering the complaint along  IRDAI has stipulated that each insurance company should
         with IRDA token no which will be used by IRDA and    codify and make public the way it will deal with consumer
         Insurance Company for tracking of the complaint through  complaints and resolve them. The Regulator has provided
         IGMS. A complaint registered through IGMS flows to the  links to the Grievance Redressal Policies of all the Life
         insurer's system as well as the IRDA repository.
                                                              insurance Companies and Non-Life Insurance Companies
                                                              To enable effective monitoring of Policyholder protection
         The Redressal Framework:                             Regulations and Grievance Guidelines and Turnaround
          IRDAI's regulations stipulate the Turnaround Times (TAT)  times thereby mandated, as well as to create a central
         for various services that an insurance company has to  repository of industry-wide insurance grievances' data,
         render to you, the consumer.  These are part of the IRDA  IRDA has implemented IGMS which is a comprehensive
         Protection of Policyholders' Interests (PPHI) Regulations  solution, not only has the ability to provide a centralized
         2002. Insurance companies are also required to have an  and online access to the policyholder but complete access
         effective Grievance Redressal Mechanism and IRDAI has  and control to IRDA for monitoring market conduct issues
         created the guidelines for that too. Here are the TATs for  of which policyholder grievances are the main indicators.
         an insurance company to deal with various types of   It uses Web interface to ensure that it is accessible at all
         complaints:                                          places and is on real time.

                     Life Insurance Companies                          General Insurance Companies

           Service                              Maximam        Service                               Maximam
                                               Turn Around                                         Turn Around
                                                  Time                                                 Time
           General                                             General
           Processing of Proposal and            15 Days       Processing of Proposal and             15 Days
           Communication of decisions including                Communication of decisions including
           requirements/issu of Policy/                        requirements/issu of Policy/
           Cancellations                                       Cancellations
           Obtaining copy of the Proposal        30 Days       Obtaining copy of the Proposal         30 Days
           Post Policy issue service requests    10 Days       Post Policy issue service requests     10 Days
           concerning mistakes/Refund of                       concerning mistakes/Refund of
           proposal deposit and also Non-Claim                 proposal deposit and also Non-Claim
           related service requests                            related service requests
           Life Insurance                                      General Insurance
           Surrender value/Annuity/Pension       10 Days       Survey report submission               30 Days
           Maturity claim/Survival benefit/Penal  15 Days
           interest not paid                                   Insurer seeking addendum report        15 Days
           Raising claim requirements after      15 Days
           lodging the Claim                                   Offer of Settlement/Rejection of Claim  30 Days
           Death Claim settlement without        30 Days       after receiving first/addendum survey
           Investigation requirement                           report
           Death Claim settlement/Repudiation   6 Months
           with Investigation requirement
           Grievances                                          Grievances
           Acknowledging a Grievance              3 Days       Acknowledging a Grievance              3 Days
           Resolving a Grievance                 15 Days       Resolving a Grievance                  15 Days

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