Page 15 - Insurance Times February 2022
P. 15

officials, reinsurers have taken a tough  However, in the October-December  close inter-relationship of banks with
         stance with the new Omicron variant  quarter (Q3), NBP of life insurers  the insurance sector and other
         adding to the uncertainty.         jumped 10.45 per cent over the same  financial investment companies,
         This is the second round of price  period last year, mainly backed by the  causes opaque monopolies that distort
                                            robust growth of private insurers' NBP.  the market and concentrate risks
         increases in the current fiscal that the
         life insurance industry is witnessing.  In Q3 of FY22, insurers earned NBP to  dangerously for the bondholders,
         According to distributors, ICICI   the tune of Rs 73,249.97 crore,    lenders, depositors, home borrowers,
         Prudential Life Insurance and HDFC Life  compared to Rs 66,318.76 crore  persons taking out an insurance claim
         Insurance have sounded them off    earned in the same period last year.  and shareholders. The recent takeover
         about the likelihood of an upward  While private insurers' NBP grew by 33  of Reliance Capital by the RBI is an
         revision in the fourth quarter.    per cent, LIC's NBP contracted by 2.6  example of where the sector as a
                                            per cent. NBP is the premium       whole should not be heading.
         HDFC Life Insurance chief financial                                   Insurance and banking are at their
         officer Niraj Shah said protection prices  acquired from new policies for a
                                            particular year.                   core two very different businesses.
         in India are a lot lower than in some                                 Insurance is a 'long term' stand-alone
         of the developed countries with    In December, private insurers' NBP  business in which companies have to
         superior healthcare facilities and  rose 30 per cent year-on-year (YoY) to  wait for long periods to break even and
         higher life  expectancy. "Historical  Rs 13,032.33 crore, surpassing that of  make profits. It is liquidity rich. Capital
         increases in India have been lower  LIC at Rs 11,434.13 crore. LIC's NBP  gets locked up for longer cycles than
         than inflation growth. We should   dipped 20 per cent largely due to a 35  banking. Insurers do not usually raise
         expect pricing and underwriting norms  per cent fall in group single premium.  debt to purchase financial assets to
         to evolve in line with expanding   Among large private life insurers, NBP  cover claims.
         geographical and demographic       of HDFC Life reported 56 per cent YoY
         coverage over time," said Shah.    growth, while SBI Life saw 27 per cent  It is a business that is required to be
                                                                               responsive to its customer base.
         IndiaFirst Life Insurance MD & CEO R M  growth, and Max Life reported 32 per  Despite the need for skilled leadership,
         Vishakha said, "Global reinsurers follow  cent growth. ICICI Prudential, on the  the Boards of insurance companies
         business considerations in revising their  other hand, reported a 6 per cent dip  tend to be populated with the nominee
         rates. Domestic insurers are dependent  in NBP for December.          members of promoters, investors and
         on their support for providing cover and  In Q2 of FY22, Indian insurers netted  owners.
         have to increase rates whenever    NBP to the tune of Rs 75,392 crore, up
         reinsurance rates are revised."    16 per cent from the same period last  Banks, in contrast, are institutionally
                                                                               interconnected through the interbank
         HDFC Life is currently engaging with  year. LIC's NBP was up 14 per cent to  market and are more exposed to
         reinsurers to refine underwriting  Rs 51,488 crore and private insurers'  liquidity risk. Banks' interest in lending
         practices, deploy new technologies  NBP was up 20 per cent to Rs 23,904.2  and credit-creation is not conducive to
         such as deep-learning underwriting  crore.                            the cash flow dynamics of the
         models and address the protection  Marred by pandemic-induced         insurance companies.
         opportunity through our group      lockdowns and NBP of life insurers had  Banks as corporate agents, obtaining
         platform (Credit Life) apart from the  plummeted more than 18 per cent.  commissions, are interested in selling
         individual business, which will distribute
                                            For first nine months of FY22.  life  the insurance packages to customers
         risks more evenly.                 insurers's NBP rose 7.4 per cent to Rs  who are frequently unaware of the
                                            2.05 trillion.                     terms and conditions, leading to the
         Life insurers' new business                                           closure of the policy within a short time

         premium flat in Dec, but           Ensuring the safety of             though the premiums are not
                                                                               returned. The conflicts in objectives
         rises 10.5% in Q3                  insurance sector                   have an impact on the ability of those
         The new business premium (NBP) of life  The RBI recently proposed to reduce  sitting on the Board of insurance
                                            the ownership by banks over insurance
         insurance companies was largely flat                                  companies to make optimal decisions
                                            companies at a maximum of 20 per
         in December. This is owing to a 20 per                                about reliably selling insurance,
                                            cent from a present 50 per cent.
         cent fall in Life Insurance Corporation's                             making investments and managing
         (LIC) NBP.                         This move is to be welcomed, as the  cash flows. T

                                                                       The Insurance Times, February 2022 15
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