Page 23 - Insurance Times February 2022
P. 23

E. Flamingo                                          slow. McKinsey's estimates an expected annual fee of $1.1
         Headquarters: Australia                              trillion, if artificial intelligence is fully applied to the insurance
                                                              enterprise. With the cost-saving ratios that the technology
         Founded: 2016
                                                              has given, organisations are keen at adopting it in the future.
         Key Person: Catriona Wallace
                                                              One major factor why AI will prove to be critical is the ever
         Not all insurtech companies started with the idea of catering  increasing "data fiction" of all forms of interactions.
         to the insurance sector, one such company is Flamingo which
         started as a provider of technology for the financial sector  As per a Deloitte report, AI is assisting insurers by way of
         only, by guiding customers in their selection and purchase of  predicting danger with greater accuracy, and the use of better
         financial products. Flamingo came up with a cognitive virtual  foresight to hastily deploy new products. It lets the insurers
         assistant platform for the auto insurance and therefore came  to be more agile, allowing them to install new technology
         into a deal with Liberty Mutual. This move by the company  and techniques in reaction to the emerging risk.
         was strategically placed in order to increase the sales and
         revenue, which are integral to a start- up. Flamingo recently  Some significant examples of how the Indian Insurers
         announced the launch of a cognitive virtual enquiry assistant  are putting technology to use are as stated:
         for auto insurance named MAGGIE.                     a. IFFCO Tokio General Insurance company has "leveraged
                                                                 AI for image processing to analyse the extent of the
         This is aimed to assist customers and employees with    damaged vehicle (personal cars), which helps them in
         questions relating to auto insurance it is said to have been  generating a list of repairable and replaceable parts that
         pre- ceded with auto insurance knowledge and over 1200  were damaged in the accident. Within a couple of
         FAQ's (Frequently asked questions). The interface learns  minutes, the assessment and therefore the cost are given
         rapidly from every interaction upgrading itself in the process.  to the customer, which they will either accept or reject.
         Flamingo is also a provider of LIBBY (self-organising library) a  If the assessment gets accepted, the payment is formed
         software used to analyse large unstructured text and the  within fifteen minutes on to the customer's checking
         'Brain' i.e. the machine learning engine that can be used by  account. The company has automated claim settlement
         other tech companies for customer interactions.         with AI."
                                                              b. To submit the certificate of existence, a user had to visit
         "To start there, and rip people out and put robots in   the branch. It was a time-consuming process for both
         would be disastrous, it must start with the             customers and the company. We automated this process
         augmented approach."                                    and made it digital by using AI. Now, the user can simply
                          -  Ms Wallace (Founder Flamingo AI)    submit a photograph through application and therefore
                                                                 the intelligent algorithms verify whether the person is
         There are a lot of other players in this field with equally  alive or not.
         innovative stories and passion driven start-ups. The insurance  c.  To service its customers in an instant, accurate and
         industry is no more limited to the conventional way of doing  efficient manner, Max Life Insurance has put Artificial
         business and is opening doors for creative minds. The   Intelligence to use. Its website offers a live chat supported
         adoption of insurtech has clearly defined progression in the  by a bot that is constantly learning and providing more
         insurance industry.                                     and more information to its customers in a timely and
                                                                 concise manner.
         Indian Insurance Industry Today
         Artificial Intelligence has helped refurbish businesses. It is Insurance Industry 2030
         producing new avenues for growth and profitability. Being  The face of insurance industry will witness changes that are
         an incredibly regulated industry that insurance is,  creating a buzz in the present. Implementations will be in full
         organizations have comparatively taken up technological  force, and changes will be accelerating. The insurance
         implementations relatively fast. Insurance no longer seems  industry will be ready to work with a new force and pace that
         to be steeped in manual, paper-based processes that are  will be essential to their survival and enriching for their

                                                                       The Insurance Times, February 2022 23
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