Page 27 - Insurance Times February 2022
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supervision and regulation of insurers, including as part of  2. The degree to which insurers' business models could be
         the FSOC's analysis of financial stability, and to further  affected by each category of risk and the relevant time
         assess, in consultation with states, the potential for  horizons for such effects.
         major disruptions of private insurance coverage in regions
         of the country particularly vulnerable to climate change  In the process, identifying and assessing:
                                                              Y  The key structural issues that could inhibit the ability of
                                                                 insurance supervisors to assess and manage climate-
         The FIO intends to initially focus on the three
                                                                 related financial risk in the insurance sector (for
         following climate-related priorities, in particular:    example, accounting frameworks and other standards).
         1. Insurance supervision and regulation: Assess climate-
                                                              Y  The barriers that could inhibit the integration of
             related issues or gaps in the supervision and regulation
                                                                 climate-related financial risks into insurance regulation.
             of insurers, including their potential impacts on US
             financial stability.                             Y  The efforts of insurers - through their underwriting
         2. Insurance markets and mitigation/resilience: Assess the  activities, investment holdings and business operations
             potential for major disruptions of private insurance  - to meet the US's climate goals, including reaching net-
             coverage in US markets that are particularly vulnerable  zero emissions by 2050.
             to climate change impacts, and facilitate mitigation and  Y  What role or actions states might take to encourage
             resilience for disasters. Also, assess the availability and  the insurance sector's transition to a low-emissions
             affordability of insurance coverage in high-risk areas,  environment and an adaptive and resilient economy?
             particularly for traditionally underserved communities
             and consumers, minorities and low/moderate-income  The scorecard urgency
                                                              Bloomberg Green recently noted: "The clock is ticking for
         3. Insurance sector engagement: Increase its engagement  banks, insurers and asset managers [that are] still providing
             on climate-related issues and take a leadership role in  support to oil, gas and coal producers. It's not just the moral
             analysing how the insurance sector may help mitigate  imperative - that fossil-fuel use is destroying the atmosphere
             climate-related risks.
                                                              and life on Earth with it. It's that their financial health
                                                              requires leaving such companies behind."
         Insurance supervision and regulation

         set for a sea-change                                 Meanwhile, Sonia Hierzig, head of financial sector research
         How should the FIO identify and assess climate-related issues  at ShareAction, warned: "It is baffling that most insurance
         or gaps in the supervision and regulation of insurers, including  companies still seem happy to invest in companies or
         their potential impact on financial stability? In seeking  provide insurance for projects that continue to fuel this crisis.
         answer to this, the FIO wishes to address:           Insure Our Future's most recent scorecard on insurance, fossil
         (a) Prudential concerns                              fuels and climate change found that insurers in the US, east
         (b) Market conduct regarding insurance products and  Asia and the Lloyd's market, particularly, continue to support
             services                                         this sector with few restrictions - despite its clear
                                                              incompatibility with the goals of the Paris Agreement."
         (c) Consumer protection.

         The FIO also wishes to assess the effectiveness of US state  The US is world's largest greenhouse gas emitter. Now,
         insurance regulatory and supervisory policies in addressing  standing on the verge of running out of carbon budget, US
         and managing climate-related financial risks with regard to  insurers need to abandon their fossil-fuel fixation. Would the
         the threat they may pose to US financial stability. This would  FIO be able to make that happen? The intent seems right
         include identifying:                                 and as of now, it appears to be getting into the driver's seat.
         1. The major channels through which climate-related
             physical, transition, and/or liability risks may impact the  (With the permission of the author
             stability of the US insurance market                      Source:

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