Page 31 - Insurance Times February 2022
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organisations operating in the market with different focus  -  Strategic and compliance functions and decision
         sector. In such a competitive environment, banks            making functions, such as determining compliance
         continuously face challenges to enhance their operational   with KYC norms for opening deposit accounts,
         efficiency, reduce operating costs, and improve its services  according sanction for loans and management of
         to their customers. As a result, outsourcing business       investment portfolio.
         functions has become an integral part of banking operations.  -  However for NBFCs, these functions may be
         Outsourcing simply means delegating some of the inhouse
                                                                     outsourced within the NBFC's group entities subject
         operations or processes to third party.
                                                                     to compliance with certain instructions.
                                                              Y  Banks or NBFCs which desire to outsource financial
         Some of the commonly outsourced functions in
                                                                 services other than specified above would not require
         banking industry are as below:                          prior approval from RBI. However, such arrangements
         Y   IT infrastructure management including managing and  would be subject to on-site/ off- site monitoring and
             operating servers                                   inspection/ scrutiny by RBI.
         Y   Network administration and management            Y  In regards to outsourced services relating to credit

         Y   Core banking application products development and   cards, RBI's detailed instructions contained in its circular
             maintenance                                         on credit card activities would be applicable.

         Y   Managing isolated cloud centres                  Y  The risk management practices stated in the guidelines
                                                                 provides for :
         Y   Managing call centres and phone banking operations
                                                                 -   Development of comprehensive board approved
         Y   Loan recovery functions                                 Outsourcing policy

         Y   Housekeeping and premises infrastructure operations  -  Role and responsibility of Board and Senior
         Y   Physical security functions                             Management
                                                                 -   Evaluation of risks in outsourcing activities
         4. RBI Guidelines on Outsourcing                        -   Evaluation the Capability of the Service Provider
         The Reserve Bank of India has issued guidelines on
                                                                 -   Outsourcing Agreement
         Outsourcing to provide direction or guidance to banks, NBFCs
         to adopt sound and responsive risk management practices  -  Confidentiality and Security
         for effective oversight, due diligence and management of  -  Responsibilities of Direct Sales Agents (DSA)/ Direct
         risk arising from outsourcing activities.                   Marketing Agents (DMA)/Recovery Agents

         Some important insights of the RBI guidelines:          -   Business Continuity and Management of Disaster
                                                                     Recovery Plan
         Y   The guidelines are applicable to material outsourcing
             arrangements which may be entered into by bank or   -   Monitoring and Control of Outsourced Activities
             NBFC with a service provider located in India or    -   Redress of Grievances related to Outsourced
             elsewhere. The service provider may either be a         Services
             member of the group/ conglomerate to which the bank  -  Reporting of transactions to FIU or other
             or NBFC belongs, or an unrelated party.
                                                                     competent authorities
         Y   The guidelines are concerned with managing risks in
             outsourcing of financial services and are not applicable  5. Operational risks in outsourced
             to technology-related issues and activities not related  activities
             to services like usage of courier, catering of staff,
                                                              In a quest bring in efficiency and optimise operating costs,
             housekeeping and janitorial services, security of the  outsourcing has become a standard business practice across
             premises, movement and archiving of records etc.  industries. It has also created new risk avenues for the banks
         Y   Activities that cannot be outsourced:            specifically with relation to quality of service, continuity of
             -   Core management functions, including internal  operations, and compliance with regulations which directly
                 audit (internal auditors can be on contract).  can impact customer satisfaction.

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