Page 34 - Insurance Times February 2022
P. 34

O Responsiveness:                                Y  Ensuring duly implementation of applicable relevant
                 1) Submissions of required data or report or MIS  controls to mitigate the risks

                 2) Whether the service provider responds to the  Y  Ensuring clarity of expectation and quality performance
                    issues or complaints within the timeframe defined  Y  Minimizing the need for corrective measures due to
             O Risk and compliance Governance: Sub-              poor performance
                 contract or outsourced any of its activities  Y  Enabling better decision making on selection of vendor,
                 pertaining to services being obtained           continuity and renewal of contract arrangements with
             O   Penalty (if applicable as per SLA): Frequency and  the vendor
                 severity of penalty imposed on the vendor.   Y  Compliance with RBI guidelines

         f. Business continuity and contingency               References
             considerations:                                  X  Banking Industry and its functions:
             Following aspects shall be considered in
                                                              X  Guidance on Managing Outsourcing Risk: https://
             evaluation of business continuity plans.  
             O   Whether the service provider has robust BCP/DRP  and-integrated-risk-management/guidance-on-managing-
                 plan in line with institutions' framework.      outsourcing-risk/

             O   Whether the recovery time objects defined by  X  Operational Risk:
                 service provider are in sync with institution's  operational-risk.php
                 recovery time objects                        X  Outsourcing activities in banking industry:
             O   Is there capability to handle present work load and
                 scale up resources to cope up with increased work  prospects/
                 in short notice
                                                              X  Pfizer Case Study - How to Get Third- Party Risk
             O   Does the BCP include business relocation plan in the  Management Right
                 event of disaster
                                                              X  RBI Guidelines on Outsourcing:
         8. Expected outcomes from implemen-                  X  DNBR.PD.CC.No.090/03.10.001/2017-18
         tation of Risk Management framework                  X  DBR.No.BP.BC.76/21.04.158/ 2014-15

         Y   Facilitating identification of key risks associated with  X  RMAI Risk Management Course material
             vendor activities prior to engaging into the contract  Courtesy : Risk Management Association of India

                   Indian Institute of Insurance Surveyors and Loss Assessors

                In the AGM on 27.12.2021 following directors has taken the charge as Office Bearers

                           Mr. Lalit Gupta                                     Mr. B. Shivaprakash
                           President                                           Vice President

                           Mr. Ajay Girdhar                                    Mr. Vipin Kumar Shukla
                           Secretary                                           Treasurer

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