Page 37 - Insurance Times February 2022
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whether individually or in aggregate (high value ULIPs).  and lives. While one protects family with life insurance
             While the intent of the Government appears to be to  and health insurance, people tend to overlook the need
             keep parity in taxation of mutual funds and ULIPs, it may  for home insurance. A natural calamity or any other
             be pertinent to note that there are key differences in  misfortunate incident is not something one foresees.
             characteristics of the two products such as: (i) Providing  Since, a house is one's biggest financial asset,
             life cover to the policyholder is a key consideration under  introducing IT exemption on premium paid will push
             ULIP which is missing in case of mutual fund which is a  more people to opt for home insurance. In the wave of
             pure investment product. (ii) An investor invests in units  natural calamities over the past years, the worst hit
             of mutual fund scheme and each scheme is            was property / home. We strongly believe making home
             independent. On the other hand, units in ULIP are under  insurance compulsory for a minimum basic sum insured
             an insurance policy and within the same policy. (iii)  will lessen the burden on individuals / families, especially
             Typically, the policy term of ULIP is around 15-20 years  for those staying in calamity prone areas.
             as against shorter time frame for mutual funds. (iv)
             Further, ULIPs have a minimum lock-in period of five  III. Way forward
             years unlike mutual fund units which can be redeemed
                                                              Despite a huge potential market in India, insurance
             at any point of time. Further, considering the rising  penetration in the country is still at a very low level. So, the
             income levels, improvement in savings rate clubbed with
                                                              insurers should not confine to the metro, urban or semi-
             stock market performance, the customers are more
                                                              urban areas. They also need to explore the business
             inclined to cover the risk of life along with the benefit  opportunities at every corners of the country, especially in
             of increase in fund value. So, it is recommended that  rural areas. In doing so, the insurance companies should not
             the current limit of the annual premium for any year
                                                              look at this just as a regulatory requirement to be fulfilled.
             during the term of the policy exceeds Rs 2.5 lakh,
                                                              Instead, it should be looked at as an investment into creation
             whether individually or in aggregate (high value ULIPs)  of future business opportunities. The Government should
             should be increased to Rs 5 lakh.
                                                              push the insurers to steps like 'adopting' villages and giving
                                                              basic facilities like drinking water, arranging free medical
         b) Growing Disaster Risks                            check-ups etc, which will help to develop goodwill and a

         In India, the overall Protection Gap in all the segments  market for the insurance industry in these areas.
         (both life & Non-life) is about 70 to 80%. In other words,
         only 20% to 30% is availing any type of insurance. To plug  Going forward, the present downward interest rate scenario
         the protection gap quickly, in line with Jan Suraksha,  may help the insurance sector to push up the business but
         Government should come out with some standardised    the return on investment would decline due to the fall in G-
         products for various sectors so that the protection gap in  sec yields (Parida, 2015). So, this is the best time for the
         each segment can be reduced significantly.           insurers to tap the rural market and sustain in the business
         Y   Creation of an Insurance Pool: To meet the economic  for a long term.
             losses due to disasters, India should go for a public-
             private solution, say a Disaster Pool, for natural disaster  References
             risk involving the insurance sector could offer many
                                                              Y  Government of India (2014, 2015), "Union Budget
             benefits over government crisis loans and grants. By  Documents; 2013-14, 2014-15 and 2015-16, 2016-17,
             considering 2020 floods in India, the total economic loss  2017-18, 2018-19, 2019-20, 2020-21 and 2021-22",
             was of $7.5 billion (Rs 52,500 crore) but only 11% was  Finance Ministry, Government of India, New Delhi
             insured. If Government would have insured it, then the
                                                              Y  IRDA (2021), "Handbook of Insurance Statistics and
             premium for the sum assurance of Rs 60,000 crore    Annual Reports: Various Issues", IRDA
             would have only in the range of Rs 13,000 to Rs 15,000
                                                              Y  Parida T. K. (2015), "Foreign Investments in Indian
                                                                 Insurance Industry: An Assessment", The Journal of
         Y   Introduction of compulsory home insurance for a     Insurance Regulatory and development Authority (IRDA),
             minimum basic sum insured:  The data on the         Hyderabad, Vol. XIII, No. 3, pp. 11-15, March 2015.
             frequency of natural calamities hitting the country has  Y  Sigma (2021), "Swiss Re, Sigma", Volumes 4/2020 and 4/
             revealed very high number of losses to property, assets,  2021. R

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