Page 33 - Insurance Times February 2022
P. 33

Following aspects shall be considered in risk       The financial institution should explore the
             assessment.                                         service contract for following clauses.
             O   Implications of performing the activity in-house or  O  Compliance with applicable laws, regulations and
                 having outsourced                                   regulatory guidance

             O   Whether outsourcing is consistent with the business  O  Rights and responsibilities of each party
                 strategy and objectives                         O   Statement of Work and Term structure

             O   Significance of the activity being outsourced in  O  Structure of Service charges
                 terms of contribution to revenue, capital allocations
                                                                 O   Term governing use of institution's property,
                 or importance to overall achievement of strategic   equipment
                 and business objectives
                                                                 O   Support maintenance and customer service
             O   Benefits or outcome achieved by enabling the
                                                                 O   The ability to sub-contract services
                 outsourcing function
                                                                 O   Contract timeframes
             O   Materiality of the benefits or outcomes achieved
                 in relation to potential risk exposure caused by  O  Right to audit the activities or infrastructure by
                 outsourcing                                         independent auditor
             O   Interrelationship of activity to be outsourced with  O  The terms of the contract should be clear and
                 other activities within the organisation            unambiguous

             O   Cost implications of establishing an outsourcing  The financial institution should also assess the exposure
                 arrangement                                     to the legal issues in relation to proposed outsourcing
                                                                 arrangements and get it vetted by institution's legal and
             O   Concentration of risk i.e. aggregate exposure to a  compliance department before signing the agreement.
                 particular outsourcing service provider where the
                 organisation outsources multiple activities to the d. Incentive compensation review:
                 same outsourcing service provider               O   Financial institution should also ensure that there
                                                                     is an effective process to review and approve any
         b. Due diligence and selection of service                   incentive compensation that may be embedded in
             provider:                                               service provider agreement.
             It is important to exercise due diligence and perform  e. Oversight and monitoring of performance:
             an objective evaluation of the service provider before  It is important to monitor the whether the vendor
             engaging into the contract. The extent of the evaluation  services fulfil the contractual requirements effectively.
             varies depending on the nature, scope, complexity and
                                                                 It will be a deciding factor for the renewal of
             strategic importance of the planned outsourcing
                                                                 agreement. For this purpose, the financial institutions
                                                                 should conduct performance evaluation periodically. A
                                                                 scoring grid can be defined for performance rating.
             Following aspects shall be considered in due
             diligence and selection.                            Vendor performance evaluation can be done
             O   Business Background, reputation and strategy    on the basis of following parameters.
                                                                 O   Quality:
             O   Organisational structure and goals
                                                                     1) Output of the activity or service of vendor in
             O   Financial performance and conditions                   achievement of business goals
             O   Operations and internal controls enforced           2) Whether the services rendered meet the
             O   Any material regulatory issues, compliance findings    quality standards, timeliness, specifications as
                 or breaches relating to services to be procured        determined in the SLA

             O   Verification of required licenses and certifications  3) Whether the services are performed in a
                                                                        competent and professional manner
             O   Availability of qualified and experienced staff
                                                                 O   Delivery: Delivery of the project or development
         c. Contract provisions and considerations:                  as per SLA or TAT

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