Page 20 - Banking Finance May 2023
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          diaries, thereby providing client level  Reacting to the numbers, market ex-  permit a new category of mutual fund
          settlement visibility to CC and thus  perts said that volatility is not such a  schemes  where  asset  managers'
          avoiding the risk of co-mingling of cli-  big hindrance for new  customers as  charges will partly be linked to perfor-
          ents' funds and securities.       they believe that it affects investors  mance, according to an official docu-
                                            who are in the market for a while, not  ment reviewed by Reuters and a source
          The Sebi board introduced an alterna-
                                            the ones new to it. Sentiment will af-  directly familiar with the matter.
          tive route to enable a diverse set of
                                            fect new customers more.
          entities to become sponsors of mutual                                As part of the proposal, the Securities
          fund (MF).                                                           and Exchange Board of India (SEBI)
                                            MFs invest Rs. 1.82 trillion       wants to allow additional charges if a
          "Such entities, who otherwise may not
                                                                               fund consistently outperforms a rel-
          have been eligible to be sponsors, in- in equities in FY23
                                                                               evant  benchmark  index  and  gives
          clude private equity funds, with requi-
                                            Mutual funds remained bullish on the
                                                                               higher annualised returns, according to
          site safeguards included  in  the pro-
                                            Indian equities in 2022-23 and invested
                                                                               an internal SEBI document.
          posal," the market regulator said.
                                            Rs 1.82 lakh crore largely due to a
                                                                               The  proposal to introduce perfor-
                                            strong interest from retail investors
                                                                               mance-linked charges on select mutual
          25 million demat accounts         and the correction in the market that
                                                                               fund schemes has not been previously
                                            led to reasonable valuation. This comes
          added in FY23                                                        reported. According to the plan,  the
                                            following a similar amount of Rs 1.81
          Around  25  million  dematerialised                                  base fees currently charged for mutual
                                            lakh crore invested by mutual funds in
          (demat) accounts were added in the                                   funds would be reduced and additional
                                            the stock market in preceding finan-
          2022-23  financial year (FY23), at  a                                charges would be based on perfor-
                                            cial year 2021-22 (FY22). Before that,
          monthly average of over 2 million de-                                mance.
                                            they had pulled out Rs 1.2 lakh crore
          spite lacklustre returns and sustained
                                            from equities in 2020-21, according to
          volatility in the market.                                            Mutual Funds' SIP collec-
                                            the data with the Securities and Ex-
          The  number  of  demat  accounts  change Board of India (Sebi).      tion rises 25 per cent to Rs
          opened with two depositories -  the
                                            Going ahead, equity outlook for the  1.56 lakh crore in FY23
          Central Depository Services (CDSL) and
                                            current financial year (FY24) will start
                                                                               Inflows in  the mutual fund industry
          the National Securities  Depository
                                            improving in a couple of quarters once
          (NSDL) -- jumped  27  per cent in the                                through systematic investment plans
                                            inflation starts coming down in the US
          past 12 months, from 89.7 million to                                 or SIPs reached Rs 1.56 lakh crore in
                                            and its central bank -- US Federal Re-
          114.46 million.                                                      2022-23, up 25 per cent from the pre-
                                            serve -- will change its  policy stance
                                                                               ceding fiscal, suggesting retail inves-
          At  the same  time,  the  benchmark  from hawkish  to  dovish, Rajiv Bajaj,
                                                                               tors' trust in the route despite volatil-
          Nifty50 declined 0.6 per cent in FY23,  Chairman  and  Managing Director of
                                                                               ity in the markets. In comparison, an
          while the Nifty  Midcap 100 rose  a  Bajaj Capital, said. In the longer-term,
                                                                               inflow of Rs 1.24 lakh crore through
          meagre 1.2 per cent and the Nifty  India's  growth  prospect  is  higher
                                                                               the route was registered in 2021-22
          Smallcap 100 fell 13.8 per cent.  amidst concern of slowing growth in
                                                                               and Rs 96,080 crore in 2020-2021,
                                            major developed economies.
          Sustained rate hikes by global central                               data with  the Association of Mutual
          banks, the Russia-Ukraine war, stub-  According to the Sebi data, mutual  Funds in India (Amfi) showed.
          born inflation, and the banking crisis in  funds have invested a net amount of
                                                                               Moreover, mutual fund SIP contribu-
          the developed world raised volatility  Rs 1.82 lakh crore in the just concluded
                                                                               tion has seen over three-fold rise dur-
          the year gone by.                 financial year.
                                                                               ing the last seven years. It was at Rs
          Even the number of initial public offer-                             43,921 crore during 2016-2017.
          ings (IPOs), seen as an investor lode- Indian regulator plans to
                                                                               Additionally, SIP book has also grown
          stone,  declined  in  FY23.  In  FY22,                               consistently from Rs 12,328  crore in
                                            allow mutual funds with
          around 53 companies raised Rs 1.11                                   March 2022 to an all-time high of Rs
          trillion through public offers while in performance-based fees
                                                                               14,276 crore in March 2023, indicat-
          FY23, 37 firms raised Rs 52,115 crore.  India's market regulator is planning to  ing a growth of 16 per cent.
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