Page 5 - Banking Finance May 2023
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          Latest casualty of banking        Signature Bank reported deposit bal-  where the loan terms may have to be
                                            ances  totaling  $89.17 billion  as  of  rejigged and borrowers may not be
          sector turmoil: Signature
                                            March 8. As of 31 December, it had  cooperative.
          Bank                              approximately $110.36 billion in assets,
                                                                               The banking regulator has asked the
                                            according to New York state's Depart-
          Signature Bank was closed by New                                     industry body Indian Banks' Association
                                            ment of Financial Services.
          York state financial regulators as the                               (IBA) to explore ways to suggest pos-
          fallout from recent implosion of SVB                                 sible rules for migration from Libor, two
          Financial Group's Silicon Valley Bank Banks may have problems        people familiar with the matter.
          spreads to other lenders.
                                            with  loan  disputes  and          "A difficult borrower and its legal team
          Depositors at the New York-based bank                                can always argue that the loan docu-
                                            defaults       after      Libor
          will have access to their money under                                mentation  does  not  provide  for
          "a similar systemic risk exception" to switchover                    switchover to another rate. Even the
          one that will allow Silicon Valley Bank  As  the end date approaches for the  courts cannot apply it retrospectively.
          clients to get their money, the Treasury  London Interbank Offered Rate (Libor)  So, this is an issue that has to be sorted
          Department, the Federal Reserve and  - the benchmark that has been in vogue  out," said a bank CEO.
          the Federal Insurance Deposit Corp.  for decades for pricing of loans - the
          said in a joint statement.        Reserve Bank of India (RBI) has asked The Stand-Up India scheme
                                            the banking industry to figure out the
          "All depositors of this institution will be
                                                                               sanctioned Rs. 40,700 crore
                                            transition path for dollar loans in cases
          made whole," the regulators said. "As
                                            of disputes, delays and defaults.  in loans
          with the resolution of Silicon Valley
          Bank, no losses will be borne by the  After allegations of manipulation and  Around Rs 40,710 crore in loans have
          taxpayer."                        collusion by big global banks, the end  been sanctioned to over 1.8 lakh ac-
                                                                               counts under the government's flag-
                                            of Libor began in 2017, with 2023 de-
          Signature Bank, a New York state-char-
                                            cided as the last year in the transition  ship Stand Up India Scheme, which is
          tered commercial bank that's FDIC-in-
                                            road. By end-2021 many banks had   focused on economic empowerment
          sured,  had  total  assets  of  about
                                            stopped drawing contracts using Libor  and job creation, according to official
          $110.36 billion and total deposits of
                                            and June 2023 was set as the deadline
          roughly $88.59 billion as of Dec. 31,
                                            for replacing the guiding rate.    Of the funds sanctioned since the in-
          the New York Department of Financial
                                                                               ception of the scheme in 2016, about
          Services said in a separate statement.  While multiple alternative rates have
                                                                               80% of the loans have been given to
                                            been  proposed,  it is  feared  that the
          New  York  banking  regulators  ap-
                                            transition would not be smooth where  women entrepreneurs.
          pointed the Federal Deposit Insurance
                                            there are disputes between borrowers  The scheme was launched on April 5,
          Corporation (FDIC) as receiver for later
                                            and lenders, particularly in matters  2016 to promote entrepreneurship
          disposition of the bank's assets.
            BANKING FINANCE |                                                                   MAY | 2023 | 5
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