Page 6 - Banking Finance May 2023
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          amongst  women  and  those  in the  was transferred to RBI by public sec-  put downward pressure on growth
          Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes  tor banks in respect of deposits which  prospects in the second half of 2023.
          categories by providing them loans for  were not  operated  for 10 years or
          starting  greenfield  enterprises  in  more.                         Two  person  booked  for
          manufacturing, services,  the trading
                                            "In  order to improve and widen the
          sector, and activities allied to agricul-                            duping HDFC Bank of Rs.
                                            access of depositors/beneficiaries to
          ture.                                                                21.82 crore
                                            such data, RBI has decided to develop
          In the first year, Rs 3,683 crore was  a web portal to enable search across  The Economic Offences Wing (EOW) of
          sanctioned, which has now swelled to  multiple banks for possible unclaimed  the Mumbai police has registered a
          Rs 40,710 crore as of March 31, 2023,  deposits based  on  user inputs," RBI  case of cheating and forgery against
          the data showed.                  Governor Shaktikanta Das said while  the directors of two private companies
                                            announcing the first bi-monthly mon-  for allegedly duping HDFC Bank to the
          The Karnataka Bank aims           etary policy for the current financial  tune of Rs 21.82 crore.
                                            year.                              The accused company availed bill dis-
          for a turnover of Rs. 1.75
                                            The search results will be enhanced by  counting facilities from the bank on the
          lakh crores                       use of certain AI tools, he said. RBI  basis  of bogus bills/invoices and de-
          Karnataka Bank Ltd has targeted  a  Deputy Governor M Rajeshwar Rao  frauded it.
          total business turnover of Rs. 1.75 lakh  said, "we expect the portal to be ready
                                                                               Bill discounting is a type of lending in
          crore during 2023-14, according to  in 3-4 months".
                                                                               which the bank takes the bill drawn by
          Mahabaleshwara MS, Managing Di-
                                                                               the borrower on his customer and pays
          rector and Chief Executive Officer of
                                            World  Bank raises  2023           him  immediately, deducting  some
          the bank.                                                            amount as a discount/commission.
                                            global growth outlook a
          He said as per the provisional numbers,                              The police have booked Satnam Singh
          the business turnover of the bank stood tad to 2%
                                                                               Maini and Harangad  Singh Maini of
          at Rs. 1,48,694 crores with a growth  World Bank Group President David
                                                                               Agile Security Force & Systems Pvt. Ltd.
          rate of 7.63 per cent.            Malpass said that the lender has re-
                                                                               and Whiskers Infracare Pvt. Ltd.
                                            vised its 2023 global growth outlook
          This included deposits of Rs. 87,362
                                            slightly upward to 2% from a January
          crore  and  advances  of  Rs.  61,326                                Public Sector Banks trans-
                                            forecast of 1.7% but the slowdown
          crores. The total CASA (current ac-
                                            from stronger 2022 growth will in-  fer  Rs.35000  crore  un-
          count savings account) deposits stood
                                            crease debt distress for developing
          at 32.97 per cent of total deposits as                               claimed deposits to RBI
          on  March  31. Karnataka  Bank  has                                  About Rs 35,000 crore unclaimed de-
          stepped into its 100th year.      Malpass told that the upward revision  posits as of February 2023 were trans-
                                            was due to an improved outlook for  ferred to the Reserve Bank by public
          3-4  months  until  un-           China's  recovery  from  Covid-19  sector banks in respect of deposits
                                            lockdowns, with growth now pegged  which have not been operated for 10
          claimed deposits portal is
                                            at 5.1% this year compared to 4.3% in  years  or  more, Parliament was in-
          ready                             the bank's January Global Economic  formed.
                                            Prospects report.
          Reserve  Bank  of  India  said  a                                    These unclaimed deposits  belong to
          centralised portal would be ready in  Advanced economies, including the  10.24 crore accounts transferred to
          three to four months wherein deposi-  U.S., are also doing a bit better than  the Reserve Bank of India as of the end
          tors and beneficiaries can access de-  the World Bank anticipated in January,  of February 2023.
          tails of unclaimed deposits across vari-  Malpass said.
                                                                               "As per information available with the
          ous banks.
                                            But the departing World  Bank chief  RBI, as of the end of February 2023,
          As  of  February,  this  year,  about  warned that turmoil in the banking  the total amount of unclaimed depos-
          Rs.35,000 crore of unclaimed deposits  sector and higher oil prices could again  its transferred  to RBI by PSBs in  re-

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