Page 42 - Insurance Times May 2023
P. 42

Session II                                          ecosystem for all claims and make the overall customer
                                                              experience meaningful.
          At a panel discussion on 'Push and Pull- Driving distribution
                                                              Mr Ramgopal Subramani,  Chief Strategy Officer, Perfios
          and demand for insurance' moderated by Mr Aniruddha
                                                              Software Solutions Private Ltd observed that data has the
          Marathe, Managing Director & Partner, BCG and Core
                                                              potential to bring down the cost significantly as it is possible
          Member, BCG India Insurance Practice, panelists discussed
                                                              to use data for customer acquisition, reduce verification and
          how distribution will be a principal enabler for achieving
                                                              claim management. "If the combination of technology and
          'insurance for all'.
                                                              data  can improve overall experience, we can shift the
          Responding to the implications of further opening-up of
                                                              market from a push to a pull," he noted.
          bancassurance or agency models, Mr Neelesh Garg, MD &
                                                              Mr Sarbvir Singh, CEO, was of the view
          CEO, Tata AIG General Insurance Company Ltd stated that
                                                              that for the insurance industry to improve efficiency, the
          this would result in insurance companies being forced to
                                                              focus should be on bringing down the overall cost and not
          come out with better products, better service levels and
                                                              commission. "The dominant emotion with customers
          claims and most importantly focus on affordability and
                                                              regarding insurance  is anxiety  instead of  safety and
          pricing. He predicted new business models emerging in the
                                                              security," he observed. To overcome this challenge, Mr Singh
          new setup in which the commission rates will be determined
                                                              believed  that simplicity of  products,  smooth service
          by the value addition of every channel. He pointed that 'Bima
                                                              experience and smooth claim experience are the key
          Vistar', 'Bima Sugam' and  'Bima  Vahak'  are  the most
                                                              features that needs to be provided to insurance customers.
          powerful initiatives and could change the landscape of the
                                                              Mr Singh  strongly believed  that technology is the only
          Indian  insurance industry. He highlighted three factors
                                                              answer to meet these requirements.
          necessary for the success of the Bima  Vahak  initiative,
          namely  collaboration  and  partnership  with  state  Session III
          Governments,  product  standardisation  and  role  of
                                                              At a panel discussion on 'Reshaping the Business Trajectory
                                                              and the Business Models' moderated by Mr Anupam Sahay,
          Mr  Prasun  Sikdar,  MD  &  CEO,  ManipalCigna  Health
                                                              Managing Director & Senior Partner, BCG and BCG APAC
          Insurance Company Ltd felt that open architecture of
                                                              Insurance Lead, panelists discussed how sharp change in the
          agency would increase the choice of products for agents.
                                                              insurance sector is the need of the hour with new players
          "Conversion and income of agents will go up and customers
                                                              and business models likely to emerge.
          will get the best product," he opined.He was of the view
                                                              Mr Krishnan Ramachandran, MD & CEO, Niva Bupa Health
          thatInsuretech Fintech platform can increase the depth and
                                                              Insurance Company Ltd., felt that sooner or later most
          width of insurance distribution. Mr Sikdar suggested
                                                              operators will embrace technology. "From an ecosystem
          variablizing  the entire agency  cost  as it  would allow
                                                              standpoint, technology can help build a climate of trust."
          insurance companies to scale up agency distribution in the
                                                              He lamented that  the industry had a large degree of
          rural hinterland of India. He also expressed optimism
                                                              information asymmetry. He called for technology and data
          regarding the 'Bima Vahak' initiative and stated that it
                                                              to come together to enable and propel the industry to push
          would cater to the insurance needs of not just the bottom
                                                              towards the customer. It has to happen at the country level,
          of the pyramid but also the 'missing middle'.
                                                              he felt. The composite license proposal can be very valuable
          "One size fits all approach cannot work for the insurance
                                                              in pushing penetration by better leveraging data about the
          sector," said Mr Mahesh Balasubramanian, MD, Kotak
          Mahindra Life Insurance Co Ltd. He was optimistic about the
                                                              Mr Kamlesh Rao, MD & CEO, Aditya Birla Sun Life Insurance
          expenses of management (EoM) guidelines as he felt it offers
                                                              Company  Ltd.,  called  for a  marriage  between  data,
          freedom to insurance companies to choose a customised way
                                                              technology and products. Insurance companies should be
          of rewarding distributors and a better manoeuvrability to
                                                              able to feed into the data within available systems. "Find
          do things as per the demand of the channel or as per the
                                                              places where a customer is captive on a platform," he
          evolution in business demands. "What UPI did to the
                                                              advised. "That is the essential marriage between data and
          payments industry, 'Bima Sugam' can do to the insurance
                                                              platforms and the customer who is captive on a platform."
          industry," he declared. He felt that the servicing of insurance
                                                              He was clear that a lot of change will happen over the next
          policies would enter a new era with 'Bima Sugam' initiative.
                                                              few years.
          He further stated that to convert the insurance market from
          a push to pull, there is a need to build a strong, transparent  "The issue in life insurance is that we don't interact with
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