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the customer," said Mr Abhay Tewari, MD& CEO, Star Union  Ltd., called for simple and flexible products. "The headroom
          Dai-ichi Life Insurance Company Ltd. Good quality data is  for growth is very high," he said. He observed that insurance
          available these days; if  health data can also  become  companies are keen to cover only healthy people because
          available, that can help life insurance companies connect  they want to avoid adverse risk. More and more Indians
          better with their customers. He lauded the idea that the  need to be covered by retail insurance. He lamented the
          regulator is considering allowing insurance companies to sell  fact that while insurance companies are strictly regulated,
          other products. He cited the case of banks which are present  hospitals do not have a regulator. He called for legislation
          in almost every part of the country and are in touch with  to bring in synergy between the two.
          customers through the sale of products like mutual funds.
                                                              Mr  Mayank  Bathwal, MD &  CEO, Aditya  Birla Health
          Allowing insurance companies to do this will give agents a
                                                              Insurance Company Ltd., felt that something needs to be
          big advantage. He foresaw huge adoption of technology in
                                                              done to bring customers into the health  insurance fold.
          the future that would transform the industry.
                                                              Providing coverage to out-patients will help companies know
          "We always talk about the front end, never about the back  what is happening before hospitalization happens. "OPD
          end which is payment of claims," observed Mr Sakate  expenses or a visit to the doctor are not pure insurance
          Khaitan, Founder  and  Senior  Partner,  Khaitan  Legal  expenses. There is an element of discretion with the
          Associates. He saw great scope  for technology to  be  consumer," he noted. But there are good global models that
          leveraged effectively in that area. It will speed up claims  ensure that discretion is applied in the right manner. "We
          management, and then the product will sell itself. He was  must pursue both models," was his view.
          in favour of the composite license proposal and felt it will
                                                              "A big issue to be addressed is that the number of doctors
          be a step in the right direction.
                                                              is less than one per thousand patients," averred Mr Sharad
          Mr Divya Sehgal, Partner, True North, agreed. "This is an  Mathur, MD & CEO, Universal Sompo General Insurance
          industry ask for a long time. It will improve the ability of  Company Ltd. He conceded that the Government is working
          industry to deliver high quality customer experience." He  hard to increase the number of doctors by setting up more
          also felt that adoption of technology will give insurance  medical colleges. Public health expenditure is likely to go up.
          companies an opportunity for deep penetration across the  The insurance sector is working on digitizing items and
          board. Today a lot of data lies in silos. With the account  setting up rural  brick n mortar  offices. He expressed
          aggregator framework,  the quality of underwriting can  gratitude to the regulator for the various steps in helping
          improve, and this will be a big benefit.            develop the industry.

          Session IV                                          "One thing missing is that many people don't understand
                                                              the value of health insurance," lamented Mr Gautam
          A panel discussion on 'Health Insurance "Opportunity to Go
                                                              Khanna, CEO, PD Hinduja Hospital and Medical Research
          Wider and Deeper"' saw lively participation by leaders in the
                                                              Centre. They feel it is a waste of their money. He called for
          health insurance sector. The session was moderated by Ms
                                                              the public to be educated. "Today hospitals are not in health
          Priyanka Aggarwal, Managing Director & Partner, BCG and
                                                              care but in sick care. How can we be paid for keeping people
          BCG India Healthcare Lead. The panel discussed the under-
                                                              healthy outside the hospital?" he queried. He felt that this
          penetration of health insurance in India and the limited
                                                              is where hospitals need to look at the overall health of the
          coverage of non-hospitalization.
          Ms Vibha  Padalkar,  MD  &  CEO,  HDFC Life  Insurance
                                                              Dr Vikram Chhatwal, Chairman and Whole Time Director,
          Company Ltd., felt that long term health coverage is
                                                              Medi Assist Group, felt that insurance systems were not
          necessary. "People want assurance," she pointed out. She
                                                              geared for small ticket sizes in a consumption economy.
          called for innovative products to expand the overall range.
                                                              "Out-patient departments are typically cash environments.
          She found the Japanese model inspiring. The risk is taken up
                                                              When you convert cash to credit you will face challenges,"
          entirely by a trustworthy provider and the customer enjoys
                                                              he pointed out. He also felt that there is no risk sharing
          retired life without worry. "That is an evolution. We are
                                                              between players and providers. "Providers need to maximize
          taking baby steps in India, but our steps are very fledgling
                                                              their gain, while the insurer is trying  to minimize his
          compared to the need in our population." She was optimistic
                                                              underwriting risk and ensuring that the customer gets
          that it would become a reality.
                                                              maximum service." He saw this as a conflict that needs to
          Dr S Prakash, MD, Star Health and Allied Insurance Company  be solved.
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