Page 13 - Life Insurance Today OCTOBER 2017
P. 13

Don't fall prey to spurious calls:
               Informing that 'Survival Benefit or Maturity
                 Proceeds or Bonus' is due under their existing  In spite of the best efforts in cautioning public there are
                 policy and investing in a new insurance policy is  several persons who complain about making payment to
                 mandatory to receive the amounts which are due.  spurious callers. To get immediate relief when policy

               Advising public to invest in insurance policies to  holders deposit money into the accounts of these fraud
                 avail gifts, promotional offers, interest free loans,  agencies, they never get any kind of refund and don't even
                 or setting up of Telecom towers or other such  get a new policy. Many people across India are being
                 offers.                                      cheated by such fake calls and the most important

          5. The general public is hereby informed that IRDA is a  thing to investigate is that who the actual people behind
             regulatory body established by an Act of Parliament,  this scandal are? The apprehension is that these people
             i.e. the Insurance Regulatory and Development    are intermediaries and franchisees of insurance
             Authority Act 1999, to protect the interests of the  companies.
             policyholders, to regulate, promote and ensure
             orderly growth of the insurance industry and for  These agencies have their account codes with all insurance
             matters connected therewith or incidental thereto.  companies through which they are able to login to online
             Further, IRDA informs the members of public that:  software of a company and are able to view the policy
               IRDA does not involve directly or through any  details of a particular policy number with few verification
                 representative in sale of any kind of insurance or  details, which they already obtain from the person
                 financial products.                          being trapped. These tele callers do not have any
               IRDA does not invest the premium received by   connection with IRDA. Since, they are working in insurance
                 insurance companies.                         sector, they have some knowledge about IRDA norms and
                                                              policy plans.
               IRDA does not announce any bonus for
                 policyholders or insurers.                   They make best efforts to convince the other person. For
               IRDA has put in place Grievance Redressal Cell in  getting more business they attract people to buy policies
                 Consumer Affairs Department, Integrated      of other companies for which they get good commission.
                 Grievance Management System and IRDA         First of all they will try to take money into their personal
                 Grievance Call Centre to provide an alternate  account. If the other person refuses to do so, they ask to
                 platform for registering grievances against  make a cheque in the name of insurance company, which
                 insurers thereby facilitating resolution of  they will actually use for paying a premium of someone
                 customer grievances by insurers.             else's policy for which they have already collected cash.
               IRDA or its officials dealing with Grievance   And last of the last even if they issue a new policy, they
                 Management do not make calls in relation to  earn good money as a commission or brokerage.
                 complaints lodged with IRDA as IRDA plays a
                 facilitative role and does not adjudicate upon or  If the policy holder tries to act smart and want to know
                 investigate into such complaints             the status of the refund, they submit a complaint on IGMS

               Any person making any kind of transaction with  of IIRDA and give the reference number of complaint. The
                 such individuals/agents will be doing the same  various categories in cases where payment is made based
                 at their own risk.                           on spurious calls and the recourse available are briefly
                                                              indicated below:
          6. IRDA hereby urges the public to remain alert and not
                                                              i.  The amount is paid to an individual- Being a fraud by
             to fall prey to frauds or scams perpetrated by
             miscreants who impersonate to be employees /         an individual, the only recourse available is to take up
             officers of IRDA or other insurance companies. These  the matter with police for necessary action.
             miscreants frequently use the names of Shri Rakesh  ii.  The amount is paid to a noninsurance related service
             Bajaj, Smt. Manju Arora, Shri R. Srinivasan, Shri    provider or agency-In such cases, depending on whether
             Mukesh Sharma, Sri Mukesh Kumar etc. as IRDA         the services promised by the agency have been provided
             officials to give confidence to the customer that they  or not, the individual has to take up the matter with such
             indeed are receiving calls from the IRDA.            agency or the police for necessary action. IRDAI would

         Life Insurance Today                         October 2017                                            13

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