Page 26 - Insurance Times March 2022
P. 26




         AND THEIR



         Introduction                                         preparing, and submitting a bid to the committees in charge.
                                                              To obtain approval, they have to spend on planning, hiring
         Sports brings the world together as a community and there
                                                              consultants, organizing events and the related travel. This
         is a perceptible adrenaline rush when the mega sports
         events are going on. Avid sports fans seem to be immersed  happens before the hosting country is even chosen. After a
         in a kind of sports-mania at that time.              country is chosen to host, it has to find a venue large enough
                                                              to host all the ceremonies and it also has to enhance and
                                                              upgrade all its sports facilities too. Other general
         Amidst all the sports and media-hype one does wonder
                                                              infrastructures that countries must invest in include; the
         about how much does it all cost to put up a major
                                                              need to build new hotels, organize transportation services
                                                              and the construction of roads, train lines, and airports. All
                                                              this entails expenses in millions of dollars.
         Hosting international sports events such as the Olympics,
         Fédération Internationale de Football Association- (FIFA)
         World Cup or the Super Bowl is quite costly for the  Hence, impressive financial outlays in these events make it
         organizing host countries.                           imperative that security is beefed up and insurance
                                                              protection obtained for unforeseen contingencies which can
                                                              jeopardize the event and cause huge losses to the organizers.
         When a country desires to host a major sports event, it is
         initially required to invest millions of dollars in evaluating,  Correspondingly, this sports arena opens up many interesting
                                                              dimensions to analyse from the insurance perspective.
                              About the author                Need for insurance of sporting events

                      Nandita Banerjee                        Major sporting events garner a great deal of attention and
                      Retired Manager                         consequently attract big financial outlays from corporates
                      National Insurance Co. Ltd.             and broadcasters the world over.

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