Page 27 - Insurance Times March 2022
P. 27

Television broadcasters also have impressive advertisement  to the event. The staging of the event increases these types
         revenues at stake which can be disturbed due to any  of costs but the increase cannot be measured accurately.
         interruption in the telecast of a live game.         Instead, the amount of indirect cost attributable to the
                                                              event is roughly estimated.
         The contingencies attached to these events are also quite
         varied. Many natural or man-made contingencies can derail  Generally speaking, irrecoverable costs and potential
         such events. A rain washout or a terrorist threat or stadium/  earnings which cannot be recouped in case of an unexpected
         pitch invasions by angry fans or spectators are realistic perils  cancellation are insured against losses.
         for the organizers. Pandemics which were earlier a remote
         contingency are no longer so.                        Event cancellation insurers have had a tough year as a result
                                                              of the pandemic with festivals, conferences and sporting
         Thus the financial exposures at stake here call for an  events postponed or cancelled the world over. In these
         insurance solution to mitigate losses for the sponsors in case  cases, infectious disease cover was obviously a part of the
         of unexpected contingencies causing a unexpected     package though it may have been viewed as a remote
         cancellation of the event.                           contingency. Broker Howden estimates COVID-19 event
                                                              cancellation losses have cost insurers approximately USD 5-
         Event Insurance and Sports Insurance                 6 billion.
         Sports Insurance is a specialised branch of Event Insurance.
         Event Insurance in itself provides a package cover for the Some recent major sporting events

         sponsors of public or private events, such as concerts,  To assess the financial magnitude and correspondingly the
         festivals, conferences, trade shows and sporting events  insurance implications of major sporting  events, the
         against unexpected cancellations and a variety of other  expenses and insurance obtained in respect of the 2020
         perils which can jeopardise the event.               Tokyo Olympics as well as the 2020 Wimbledon Tournament
                                                              have been analysed on the basis  of the information available
         Sporting events more specifically include a gamut of sports  in the public domain.
         such as football, basketball, golf and cycling to horse riding,
         gymnastics and more. Depending upon the financial    The 2020 Tokyo Olympics & its related
         exposures of the associated entities - public liability,
         equipment cover and cancellation cover can be obtained in  costs
         tailor-made sports insurance solutions geared to specific  The 2020 Tokyo Games, originally scheduled for the summer
         needs.                                               of 2020 were postponed by a year due to public health
                                                              concerns occasioned by the COVID-19 pandemic. They were
         Events costs depend on the scale and type of the event. For  held from 23 Jul 2021 - 8 Aug 2021 and it was one of the
         example, the 2018 FIFA World Cup held in Russia cost an  grandest sporting events in recent memory. It was a multi-
         estimated USD14.2 billion. Some estimates indicate that the  sport event which though devoid of spectators in the stands,
         2022 FIFA World Cup is going to cost Qatar approximately
         USD 220 billion.

         Event costs will include direct and indirect costs. Direct costs
         are those costs that are easy to identify and measure as
         belonging to the event. The cost of trophies and medals or
         the prize money is a typical example. Another important
         component is cost for the venue. Venue costs also include
         hidden costs such as security, supervision, heating and
         lighting. Some of the other heads of expenses include travel,
         accommodation and salaries for officials and employees,
         medical expenses, promotional charges, transport and
         insurance to name just a few important direct charges.

         Indirect costs are costs that cannot be directly attributed

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