Page 42 - Insurance Times March 2022
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Operational Risk Management: the strategic functional and architectural
requirements as the project progresses.
Put simply, operational risk relates to the risk resulting from
the execution of an organization’s business-functions. It Y Performance Risk: The risk that the service provided
constitutes the risk of a firm’s business operations failing due by the vendor does not meet local laws and
to human error. Operational risk comprises of any event regulations and issues with the operating method
which disturbs the usual flow of business processes of an to complete tasks thereby requiring extensive
organization and which creates financial loss for the micromanagement by clients.
organization. Unlike other risks like market or credit risk, Y Client Relation Risk: The risk that the vendor fails to
operational risks are generally not voluntarily incurred by maintain desired level of co-ordination, communication,
firms. They are also not diversifiable and can’t be laid off. If and team management during the project.
there are systems, people, and processes in place –and c) Release and Delivery Risk: Failure of vendor to meet
which are indeed not perfect in the real world, it is their agreement goal.
impossible to fully mitigate the operational risks. However, Y Product Release Risk: Risk that the service and
operational risk can be effectively managed to keep the product provided by the vendor fails to meet the
losses within certain risk tolerance levels. standardized design and quality expectations.
Y Financial Risk: Risk that the sub-standard delivery
Operational Risk management (ORM) is a continual cyclic- and increase in not well-trained resources has led
process that includes risk-identification, risk-assessment, risk- to exceeding the set budget.
decision-making, and implementation of operational-risk-
Y Coordination Risk: Risk having to manage complex
controls, that result in the mitigation, acceptance, or system of people, groups, processes, and
avoidance of risk. The U.S. Department of Defense
summarizes the principles of ORM as follows:
d) External Environment: Failure of vendor to deliver tasks
a) Accept the risk when the benefits outweigh cost
due to external hindrances.
b) Accept no unnecessary risk Y Environmental Risk: The risk caused by
c) Anticipate and manage risk through planning environmental disaster like floods, storms,
pandemic, or epidemic that forces the vendor to
d) Make risk decisions at right level.
restrict or stop the usual activities pertaining to
Operational Risks Associated with IT project.
Outsourcing: Y Political Risk: The risk that leads to impediments
corporations may face owing to political decisions or
Operational risk will exist during the lifecycle of outsourcing any political change which changes the expected
project, i.e., pre-sales, contract period and postdelivery. value and outcome of a particular economic action,
These risks can be categorized into 3 sections. through change in the probability of attaining the
a) Security Risk: Failure of vendor to secure client business objectives. Political risk can also be defined
confidential dat. as the risk of financial, strategic, or personnel loss
Y Intellectual Property (IP) Risk: The risk that the for a firm due to such non-market factors as the
vendor does not possess proper security strategies macro-economic and social policies pertaining to
and is unfamiliar with the recent security threats labor, or events related to the political instability
and practices to safeguard the firm’s products. (riots, terrorism, civil war, coups, and insurrection)
that may cause hurdles in daily functioning of vendor.
Y Data Breach Risk: The risk that the vendor is not
well versed with an array of protected information
and its handling measures while working on the Effective Operational Risk Management
product. in IT Outsourcing:
b) Stakeholder Engagement Risk: Failure of vendor to a) Service Level Agreement (SLA):
meet client expectation of service. Y SLA Risk Management at Proposal Phase – SLA risks
Y Requirement Risk: The risk that the product or is managed at various stages of lifecycle, such as,
service delivered by the vendor does not align with during proposal submission, during negotiation and
42 The Insurance Times, March 2022