Page 38 - Insurance Times March 2022
P. 38

It ordered the firm to pay Rs 15,000 compensation for the  The state has set up a revolving corpus of Rs.50 crore under
         delay, apart from granting her the insurance claim of Rs  the Bihar motor vehicle accident assistance fund through
         1,37,824. Claiming that the local court erred in its  which such payments will be made. In case of insured
         judgment, Liberty Videocon General Insurance appealed to  vehicles, the state will pay the compensation to the victim
         Karnataka State Consumer Disputes Redressal Commission  or their dependents through the corpus fund and recover
         on October 22, 2020.  The judges, however, noted that on  the amount from the insurance firm after the tribunal settles
         the date of theft, the vehicle was under insurance cover and  the case within the stipulated 60 days.  For uninsured
         the complainant intimated the firm for settlement of the  vehicles, the state will recover the compensation amount
         claim and also lodged a police complaint. Further, she had  by auctioning the vehicle if its vehicle owner is unable to
         requested the RTO for transfer of vehicle ownership and the  pay the compensation to the victim's family. Should the
         stand taken by the insurer.                          amount realised through auction be less than the
                                                              compensation fixed, the state will bear the difference
         Simplification of Road Traffic Accident              amount through the Bihar motor vehicle accident assistance
         Bihar ranks 15th in India in terms of road accidents and ninth  Nearly 20% of the 13.60 lakh registered vehicles in the state
         in terms of fatalities arising out of them, as per the latest  till 2019-20 do not renew their insurance.  For hit-and-run
         data released by the ministry of road transport and highways  case, the compensation amount will be borne through the
         (MoRT&H) in 2019. Bihar had only 9.3 recorded cases of  corpus fund and replenished partially by the Centre through
         road accidents against the national average of 34.2 per lakh  insurance companies, which pay Rs.50,000. The state will
         population in 2019.  With a score of 11.7, it ranked 22nd in  bear the remaining Rs.4,50,000 in deaths involving hit-and-
         terms of accidents per 10,000 vehicles.  Bihar will be the  run cases.  Under the changed rules, all sub-divisional officers
         first state to simplify claims of road traffic accident (RTA) by  (SDO) will be the accident claim inquiry officer and district
         removing the victim or their dependents from the litigation  magistrates (DM) the accident claims assessment officer.
         process and paying them an interim ex-gratia amount of  The SDO conducts the inquiry on the basis of site inspection
         Rs.5 lakh within 15 days in event of death.          done by the police and the motor vehicle inspector.

         The state will also take the onus to contest the case in court,  The changed rules do not mandate any site inspection or
         on behalf of the victim, if the insurance firm of the accused  examination of witness at the trial stage. If challenged, the
         vehicle owner, decides to challenge the order. The state will  case will be adjudicated on the basis of a summary trial based
         implement the new amendment to the Bihar Motor Vehicle  on the petition of the victim or their relatives, deposition
         Rules that empowers the state transport appellate tribunal  by the insurance firm and reports by the police, the SDO
         to settle all such accident claims within 60 days. The new  and DM.  In case the tribunal or a higher court awards a
         amendment was notified in the Bihar gazette on August 11  higher compensation, the difference of the amount already
         after a cabinet order.                               paid as interim compensation would be credited into the
                                                              bank account of the victim's family. However, in case of an
         So far, road traffic accident claims are tried in the civil court  adverse order for the government, the interim amount
         and linger for years.  This is the first of its kind initiative in  already paid as compensation to the family of the victim will
         India to simplify accident claims. The new rules allow  not be taken back but adjusted through the Bihar motor
         immediate payment of Rs.5 lakh as interim compensation  vehicle accident assistance fund.
         for death and Rs.50,000 for grievous injury to dependents
         or victims of road traffic accidents, involving vehicles that  No Insurance Claim if Vehicle Driven
         are insured, uninsured or involved in hit-and-run case.
                                                              Without Valid Registration:
         The compensation for grievous injury is proposed to be  Supreme Court has come out with the observation that car
         increased from Rs.50,000 to Rs.2.5 lakh.  As part of the new  insurance claim for vehicles without valid registration can
         rules, victims or their relatives will not have to run from pillar  be denied. The observation was made on Saturday when
         to post for settlement of claim. The state will pay the  Supreme Court rejected an insurance claim of a car with
         interim compensation and also take the responsibility of  temporary registration which was reportedly stolen.  United
         fighting a legal suit on behalf of the victim if an insurance  India Insurance Company Limited, one of the public sector
         firm were to challenge its order.                    general insurance companies in India, filed an appeal against

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